
“Scott Regen was a phenomenon, um, that just happened, and I just went along for the ride.”


Right after having signed on WSAI’s Dick (formerly Paul in Cincinnati) Purtan in May 1965, WKNR, the number one Detroit radio station, created much fanfare and media publicity in promoting the arrival of Scott Regen to Detroit from Kansas City’s WHB.

Days before Scott Regen’s arrival to the station, WKNR gave its listeners daily “travel updates” on Keener 13, as Scott Regen loomed closer and closer to his scheduled arrival to the Dearborn studios, scheduled for the evening of Thursday, May 20, 1965.

Today, in honoring Scottie on his 80th birthday, Motor City Radio Flashbacks presents a collage of promos and memories recorded for the famed ’60s WKNR Keener legend.

These WKNR Scott Regen promos were recorded in 1965, 1966 and 1967. You will hear nearly 40 minute of Keener moments Scottie Regen shared in studio (and out) with many of the greatest ’60s pop stars, artists and groups who appeared on the Scott Regen Show, heard nightly 7-10 p.m. on WKNR.

During these noted ‘Keener’ years, Scott Regen became the No. 1 night-time radio disk jockey in Detroit. Just the same, it was during those years Scottie accomplished a phenomenal 25-29 ratings share of the Detroit radio audience — tuning in to his nightly show on Keener 13.


Happy Birthday, Scottie! And thank you for all the WKNR memories 🙂


The featured audio file was enhanced by Motor City Radio Flashbacks



  1. Wow! In search for a DJ, I stumbled across your unbelievable, wonderful website. I cannot believe the amount of time this must have taken.

    I’m trying to recall the radio station & DJ was on late at night. The girls thought he had a sexy low voice, and he would take live requests (dedications) and played mostly slow love songs either in the late ’50s, or early ’60s? I went into bootcamp in June 1964, and then off to Vietnam, so it had to be before that.

    I posted this question on Facebook, and got all sorts of great responses, like Pillow Talk, but all the replies were after June 1964.

    Any help appreciated. Thank you for this great site. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to share it on FB.

    1. Hi Joe,

      Glad to hear you discovered the site — the only site for classic Detroit radio on the web! Do you know what station that one particular DJ was on you may recall? My website has been online since January 2012. 10 years and I intend to have it online as long as I still have breath in my lungs. Check out the site, especially, check out the Aircheck Library, over 1,030 airchecks archived there thus far. I also have a Facebook page for the site, go here: or type in Motor City Radio Flashbacks in the search bar on Facebook. There are lots to look for and see on site, glad you found us, enjoy your visits and stays anytime, any day, 24/7.

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