Colpix 1963 LP 'Four Days That Shocked The World'From the MCRFB MISCELLANEOUS archive: 1963

The Actual Voices And Events of  FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD – The Complete Story – November 22-25, 1963





Produced in association with United Press International; 1963

Colpix Records No. CP 2500 XTV 89953; 1963


The Complete Story ‘FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD’  November 22-25, 1963


Having made the turn from Main Street unto Houston Street, the Presidential limousine is heading towards the Texas School Book Depository Building for the left turn down Elm.
HAVING MADE the turn from Main Street, the Presidential limousine is on Houston headed towards Elm Street and the Texas School Book Depository Building. Friday, November 22, 1963. (Click on image 2x for a much larger detailed view).



P R O D U C E D  B Y   H E R B E R T  S U S S A N | Colpix Records

P R O D U C E R ‘ S   N O T E S

COLPIX imagesThe FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD is told in three basic segments: first, Friday, November 22, the day of the assassination of President Kennedy . . . the day of shock . . . from early morning through the assassination until President Johnson’s first remarks at Andrews AFB as the new President.

The second section is the Lee Harvey Oswald story . . . from his capture in the Texas theater through his murder by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas jail, to the announcement of his death.

The third major element covers the ceremonies and events in Washington from Friday, when the President’s body lay in repose in the White House, through the ceremonies at the Rotunda of the Capitol . . . through Monday . . . with the highlights of Mass . . . the procession to Arlington . . . and the events at the grave until the moments of the final taps.

The telling of this story in the limited time of a recording has been a great challenge. Compiled from more than 85 hours of audio tapes, this unprecedented example of audio journalism takes you directly into the scenes as as they happened and places you in the action . . . to create this memorable document in sound of the most dramatic four days in our times.







T H E  W O R L D  M O U R N S

The voices and events of ‘Four Days That Shocked The World‘ was produced within weeks after the assassination. The LP was finalized and was released in late-December 1963.

“President Kennedy died as a soldier, under fire, for his duty and in the service of his country. In the name of the French people, a friend at all times of the American people, I salute this great example and this great memory.” – Charles De Gaulle, President of France

“The loss to the United States and to the world is incalculable. Those who come after Mr. Kennedy must strive the more to achieve the ideals of world peace and human happiness and dignity to which his Presidency was dedicated.” — Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of Great Britain

“A heart-breaking tragedy has occurred. The world can ill afford at this time in our history to lose a man of his courage, which he displayed in war and which he displayed in peace.

“It is difficult for me to say anything more at this time. Our hearts are filled with sadness.” — Lester Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada

“The President’s shocking death deprives mankind of a compassionate champion of peace and brotherhood, his country of a courageous executive, his family of a loyal husband and father, his parents of a dutiful and devoted son.” — Pope Paul VI

“I shall remember my personal meetings with President John F. Kennedy as a person of broad outlook who realistically assessed the situation and tried to find ways for negotiated settlements which now divide the world.

“The Soviet government and the Soviet people share the grief of the American people over the great loss and express the hope that the search for settling disputed questions, a search to which President John F. Kennedy made a tangible contribution, would be continued in the interests of peace, for the benefit of mankind.

“Accept, Mr. President, my personal condolences.” — Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union, in a telegram to President Johnson





F O U R  D A Y S  T H A T  S H O C K E D  T H E  W O R L D

N A R R A T E D  B Y  R E I D  C O L L I N S  |  WNEW Radio News


  • President Kennedy — Fort Worth Breakfast Speech
  • Arrival At Love Field, Dallas — Coverage By Joseph Long, KLIF, Dallas
  • At The Scene — At The Moment Motorcade Is Fired Upon — Coverage From The Texas School Book Depository
  • With A Mobile Radio Unit At-The-Scene With The Motorcade Speeding To Parkland Hospital Nearby The Presidential Limousine
  • Eyewitness Report Of The Actual Assassination
  • Announcement Of Last Rites By Father Oscar Huber And Of Death Of President Kennedy
  • Eyewitness Account –Ambulance Driver — Mrs. Kennedy Prior To Trip Back To Dallas
  • Eyewitness Report — Merriman Smith — Scene Aboard ‘Air Force One’ As Mrs. Kennedy Returns With The President’s Body, The Swearing-In Of President Johnson, And Flight To Washington
  • Actual Swearing-In Of Lyndon B. Johnson By Judge Sarah T. Hughes
  • Arrival At Andrews Air Force Base First Public Statement — President Lyndon B. Johnson


  • Dallas Policeman — Eyewitness Report Of Capture
  • Lee Harvey Oswald — Actual Voice Denial Of Guilt
  • Actual Court Charge Of Oswald
  • Reports of Investigations
  • Sunday Morning — Tensions Mount In Dallas
  • On-The-Spot Report From Basement Of Dallas Jail At The Moment Oswald is Shot By Jack Ruby — Exclusive Coverage — Ike Pappas, WNEW News
  • Oswald Rushed By Ambulance To Parkland Hospital
  • Police Identify Killer As Jack Ruby
  • On The Scene Report — Parkland Hospital
  • Oswald’s Death Announced
  • President Kennedy’s Body Lies In Repose In White House — November 23
  • President Kennedy’s Body Taken From White House To Capitol Rotunda
  • Final Playing Of “Hail To The Chief”
  • Chief Justice Warren — Eulogy (Excerpt)
  • Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield — Eulogy (Excerpt)
  • President Kennedy’s Body Lies In State in Rotunda
  • Mrs. Kennedy — Midnight Visit To Rotunda
  • Funeral Procession From Rotunda To St. Matthews Cathedral
  • Dignitaries From The Entire World Join Procession
  • Mass At St. Matthews Cathedral By Richard Cardinal Cushing (Excerpts)
  • Funeral Procession From St. Matthews Cathedral To Arlington Cemetery
  • Jet Fly-By — Arlington
  • Richard Cardinal Cushing — Prayer At Graveside
  • 21 Gun Salute
  • Taps At Arlington 
Flanked by the Armed Forces Military Honor Guard, President Kennedy's flag-draped casket is carried to his place of rest at Arlington National Cemetery. Monday, November 25, 1963
Flanked by the Armed Forces Military Honor Guard, President Kennedy’s flag-draped casket is carried to his final place of rest at Arlington National Cemetery. Monday, November 25, 1963.



REID COLLINS is the award-winning correspondent of America’s most honored independent radio news organization — WNEW, New York’s METROMEDIA Station. Winner of every major news award, WNEW covered the story of the President’s assassination from Dallas, Washington, New York and the foreign capitals of the world. Collins reported the four days from Friday, November 22nd through Monday, November 25th, from the nation’s capitol. Narration (Washington sequence) written by Reid Collins, WNEW.

HERBERT SUSSAN, producer of FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD, is an Executive Producer supervising International Production for Screen Gems, Inc. He is former National Director of Special Programs for NBC-TV, was the senior Producer of the highly-acclaimed WIDE WIDE WORLD television series, and is a veteran TV Producer-Director.


UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL now has recorded the tragic events of November, 1963, in words, still pictures, motion picture film and sound. For the UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL this record represents reporting in a new dimension. UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL is happy to be associated with COLPIX RECORDS in the production of a permanent recording of these “Four Days That Shocked The World.”






Don Kirschner
Don Kirschner

WE AT COLPIX RECORDS have been determined to create an historical document of lasting significance out of the four heartbreaking days that began with President Kennedy’s speech at Fort Worth and ended with taps at Arlington. It was a task that required intense care and attention from everyone concerned with its preparation. Hours of audio tapes and hundreds of exclusive photos and filmstrips were utilized in production of this unique and special album. To the UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL for its permission to use this material and to all the reporters on radio, and in the press, whose on-the-spot coverage made this album possible — our sincere gratitude.

DON KIRSCHNER  Executive Vice President  Music and Record Division  Columbia Pictures-Screen Gems TV





'PRESIDENT SHOT DEAD': New York subway transients and commuters reading the tragic news on their way home. The New York Journal-American and The New York World-Telegram. Late-Friday evening, November 22, 1963
PRESIDENT SHOT DEAD‘: New York City subway transients and commuters reading the tragic news on their way home. The New York Journal-American and New York World-Telegram. Late-Friday evening, November 22, 1963. (click on image 2x for largest view).




FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD‘ contained the information as was transcribed verbatim, above. These were the actual words found in print inside the album’s gate-fold spread. The album cover also contained “15 color and black and white photographs which were part of the extensive photographic coverage of these events by the United Press International.” A portion of royalties accrued to Colpix Records was donated to the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.,  Foundation for Research on Mental Retardation.


All photos above were selected randomly by the author for this feature.


In the January 18, 1964 issue of Billboard, ‘FOUR DAYS THAT SHOCKED THE WORLD’ was described as, “The most important record of our time. Not an album of speeches — you are there as the most dramatic flow of events become history.” 




An ’80s Detroit Radio Station “Jingle Binge”


Press play, and over indulge the jingles- up and down that old radio dial – back in the 1980s. Here is a 390 second montage of  jingles from most of Detroit’s radio stations, in the ’80s. Maybe you will recognize some of these old four-letter songs, and experience a genuine Motor City Radio Flashback! IN STEREO! (where available)



Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoThursday, October 31, 2013





DETROIT (October 31) — October 31, 1963. WKMH becomes the new WKNR, “New Radio 13.”

Did you remember?

WKNR. Detroit. The “Keener Story.” How much more can be said that hasn’t been said about this great Detroit radio legend? In all reality not much more else needs to be said, nor added, of what is well known about the “Keener story.”

And despite many years having passed, this much is known, the “story” is still remembered today. A story about an incredible Dearborn radio station, situated on Michigan Avenue, a story that has been told, re-told time and time again for five decades. The story of a station remembered for its meteoric rise — within weeks — from bottom to No. 1 status, the fastest ever in Detroit radio history.

WKNR. The greatest Detroit radio story that was ever told.

NEW NAME: WKNR (click on image for larger view)
NEW SHOW. NEW NAME. WKNR (click on image 2x for larger PC view).

What took place this day in Detroit, exactly 50-years ago today, would turn a new page in Detroit radio history. It would change Detroit radio forever. (To those who may not know about the “Keener Story,” we have archived and covered the WKNR story here on Motor City Radio Flashbacks. Go to our menu’s ‘Categories’ on the left, scroll down and click WKNR).

Detroit radio history would record when Mrs. Fred Knorr, owner of the Knorr Broadcasting Corporation, early in 1963 hired an independent free-lance radio consultant by the name of Mike Joseph. Joseph, who had successfully “modernized” top 40 radio WGR to No. 1 status in Buffalo, he would devote his winning consulting talents in the same way for Mrs. Knorr’s WKMH.

Within 70-days of it’s launch, WKNR found itself alone on top during the Detroit radio wars, late-1963. By mid-January ’64, WKNR, the “New Radio 13,” would be christened the winner in the four-way battle for the top 40 crown in the Motor City.

WKNR Music Guide, November 14, 1963 [b/side] (click image for larger view)
The 1963 “Key Men Of Music.” WKNR Music Guide November 14, 1963. [b/side] (click image 2x for larger PC view).
But there was more to this amazing Detroit radio story than just the story having been told. Names. Names remembered. Names that would make the “Keener sound” what it was. Names that would become the Keener story. And for every story having been told there was a beginning . . . .

In 1962 Bob Green left Detroit’s WKMH for the legendary WQAM down in Miami. WQAM was the No. 1 top 40 radio station at the time. By early 1963, the Miami station was gifted claiming  two of their most popular radio personalities that year. Bob Green and Jerry Goodwin. But Bob would leave WQAM in October, 1963. Jerry Goodwin would leave WQAM shortly thereafter in January, 1964. Both headed north for the new WKNR in Detroit.

Mort Crowley, formerly from St. Louis’ KWK, would become the new morning man on Keener radio. His at-times acerbic wit quickly would endear him with WKNR’s new morning listeners. (Crowley, after just three months with WKNR would leave the station in February, 1964).  Robin Seymour would be the mid-morning man on the new WKNR. Seymour, then a 16-year stalwart in the business held over from the old WKMH days (since 1947), was regarded at the time the most popular personality Detroit radio ever produced.

Gary Stevens would leave top 40 WIL in St. Louis. Having been at WIL since 1961, inevitably Stevens honed his radio skills masterfully there. Stevens caught the attention of WKNR PD Frank Maruca for the early to late afternoon drive. For teens in Detroit, Stevens would become one of the most popular jocks at the station here through March, 1965. (Gary Stevens would leave WKNR for WMCA in New York).

WKNR's Gary Stevens ans Frank 'Swingin' Sweeney in the WKNR-AM studio. February, 1965 (click on image for larger view)
WKNR’s Gary Stevens and Frank ‘Swingin’ Sweeney in the WKNR-AM studio. February, 1965.

Frank ‘Swingin” Sweeney came to WKNR in early 1964. When the time came Mort Crowley was no longer at the station, Sweeney was called in from Youngstown, Ohio, WKBN-AM. Replacing Mort Crowley, Sweeney became Keener’s new morning man, April, 1964. He would become an instant A.M. favorite on the “New Radio 13” here in Detroit through August, 1965.

Jim Sanders. New at WKMH since February 1963, Sanders was production director at the station for the short term. Eventually Jim was selected by Knorr management to fill the 12 noon – 3:00 p.m. mid-day slot for the “New Radio 13.” Sanders, more into the production phase, would leave WKNR shortly thereafter to work for Triad Broadcasting in Milwaukee, January 1964. Jerry Goodwin, Bob Green’s friend and protege from his Miami WQAM days, would become the perfect mid-morning voice on WKNR replacing Sanders immediately thereafter.

And overnights? It would be Bill Phillips doing the all-night shift, 12 Midnight  – 5 A.M. on the new WKNR Keener 13.

Crowley. Seymour. Sanders. Stevens. Green. Phillips. WKNR.

The die was set. The die was cast. And the rest of this story would become radio history. 50 years later. Without question. WKNR would become the greatest Detroit radio story that would ever be told.

Did you remember? It’s October 31, 2013. Halloween. Happy 50th. WKNR “Keener 13.”

WKNR-AM * Keener 13 Key Men of Music * November, 1964

WKNR Music Guide November 7, 1963 (first issue)


For everything that is WKNR, go to Scott Westerman and Steve Schram’s splendid WKNR tribute website at

For more on WKNR on Motor City Radio Flashbacks, go here.

Motor City Radio Flashbacks would like to thank MCRFB contributor James Heddle for providing the (1964) WKNR audio aircheck above. ‘Keener’ LIVES!

Keener 13 “all-nighter” Bill Phillips in the WKNR AM studio, May, 1964.
