Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoA MCRFB news brief:

WOMC Makes Push On WNIC For Share Of Night Time Hearts





DETROIT — In an ongoing battle for the hearts of the Motor City’s 7 to midnight listeners, WOMC is taking WNIC to task with a move to expose both its romantic side and its increasingly sexy-sounding night man Kevin Scollin. While neither side has declared war officially, WNIC’s night talent Alan Almond has reportedly been peeved at the growing likeness between WOMC’s “Love Songs” show and his own “Pillow Talk” 7 to 12 weeknight program on WNIC.

To get the edge on a camera-shy Almond, WOMC is sending photos of Scollin to entrants in its daily “Night Of Summer Love” contest. This promo runs through September, with listeners submitting their version of the most romantic evening, either real or imagined. Each night, Scollin reads the day’s best entry, with the winner getting a midnight cruise dinner for two. When the promotion ends, WOMC is prepared to grant the final winning wish to a romanticized winner (or either a winning pair) — provided its not too kinky, of course. END.

WOMC-FM logo in the 1980s
WOMC-FM station logo during the 1980s

(Information and news source: July 20, 1985).
