Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoFrom the MCRFB news archive: 1971

High In Demand, Former Detroit Radio Jock Consigns His ’60s Narrative Over To Motown Records



Tom Clay, 1971
Tom Clay 1971 (Photo credit: Bonnie Dater Jay)

LOS ANGELES — Tom Clay, the former Detroit radio personality now free-lancing in this area, this week turned over his produced master, Tom Clay’s, “What The World Need Now Is Love,” to Motown Records, with Dick Sherman, West Coast sales director for the firm. Sherman assured Clay free records so Clay could satisfy a previously-made deal with listeners who wrote in, while spiking high demand for copies. Clay stated he had 17,000 written requests for freebie disks, when he withdrew the offer June 1.

Clay prepared for his two-week vacation-fill slot over KGBS, local radio station here, by doing an eight-minute production, which he felt expressed his philosophy on the contemporary world situation. The recorded production interwove music and news events in Clay’s narration with special emphasis Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Senator Robert Kennedy and President John F. Kennedy. Clay played his recorded production once on his first day at KGBS on May 22. He was off Sunday but when he returned on May 24, disk jockeys on KGBS over the weekend told him of repeated requests. The deal is one of the label’s rare master purchases.

Dave Bell, Motown’s West Coast promotions chief, went into the studio June 1 and recut the entire production cutting the time from over 8 minutes to 6 minutes and 20 minutes. Motown is rushing the record for national release. END


Information and news source: Billboard; June 12, 1971



 CHOKER CAMPBELL TIMELINE: Where he's been with his saxophone and his band. A Detroit band legend in his own time. (Click on image 2x for larger PC view).
A CHOKER CAMPBELL MONTAGE: Where he’s been. His saxophone. His bands. Truly a Detroit legend in his time. (Click on image 2x for larger PC view).

J U L Y    2 0 ,  1 9 9 3 :   T O D A Y  I N   M U S I C   H I S T O R Y

CHOKER CAMPBELL | March 21, 1916 – July 20, 1993


Choker Campbell's 'Come See About Me' on Motown1993: An artist who recorded for Gordy’s Motown Records in Detroit, tenor saxophonist Walter Luzar “Choker” Campbell led the first of Motown Records’ road bands that accompanied the fledgling label’s acts on tour during the early Motown years through 1965. When his position was taken by Earl Van Dyke, Campbell instead led the resident orchestra at Detroit’s Graystone Ballroom. Choker Campbell died in Detroit, 21-years ago this day, July 20, 1993. Campbell was 77.


Today In Pop Music History: July 20, 1993

“COME SEE ABOUT ME” * Choker Campbell Orchestra * MOTOWN Records (’64)
