Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoFrom the MCRFB news archive: 1971






DETROIT — Exactly as rumor stated, WCAR here has switched to a rock format. The oddity about the format change and the rumor, however,  is that the rumor dates back at least two years . . . . dates back in fact, to the day that Ken Draper signed a contract to consult the ultra-powered station. It had been a middle-of-the-road station since Draper took it under his wing; before that, it was more or less of a mishmash in programming.

The original intention according to program director Neil McIntyre, was to stick to an MOR format. The factors that precipitated the program change, in spite of previous intentions, was the failure of WKNR to make it in the market with a rock format. And, too, CKLW, a long-time powerhouse, was no longer connected with program consultant Bill Drake and, in fact, was being forced by government regulation, to program a large portion of Canadian product in its programming. Perhaps the key factor was the absence of Drake.

WCAR 1090AMWCAR, with 50,000-watts during the day and 10,000-watts at night, is playing between 40 to 60 records; “never less than 40,” says McIntyre, plus a feature album a week. More that that, the station is the station is keying on album cuts and, for example, played six cuts of the new Blood, Sweat and Tears album.

“We’re playing album cuts as if they were singles,” McIntyre reiterated. He listed “Surrender” by Diana Ross from her new album, and, “Hello Groceries” by Chase from their LP. There were five LP cuts on the playlist last week. “Even if the cuts are not released as singles, we’ll stay with them a couple of weeks longer just for the sake of adding variety to the format,” McIntyre said.

All records are pre-selected by McIntyre and John Wellman, who works in the office of programming affiliated with the consulting firm operated by Ken Draper, Chuck Blore and John Rook. These are picked either Thursday or Friday and the new playlist is added to the air in afternoon drive time without fanfare. However, there is no set policy of adding new records (seven new singles were added last week) and new product will be put on the air immediately, if warranted. “We put ‘I Woke Up In Love This Morning’ by the Patridge Family on the air Saturday. By Wednesday it was the top requested tune of all the new records.”

WCAR has six direct request lines into the studio and the air personality “had better answer it,” McIntyre said. In the old format, the air personalities used to just rap with listeners; in the rock format, they take requests.

Air personalities pull their own music for their show within the limitations of the format. WCAR personalities include Ray Otis 6-10 a.m.; Dave Prince 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Dan O’Shea 2-6 p.m.; Ed Busch 6-10 p.m.; Scott Regen 10 p.m.-2 a.m.; Warren Pierce 2-6 a.m. — the same staff almost as when WCAR was an MOR station (Regen joined the staff several weeks back).

Clay Proves Pull

The target audience of WCAR is the 15-35 age group. “Mostly, we’re an alternative to listeners. In want of good programming, many were going to the FM stations; now, we’ll be there.” The station will be a personality station and will be actively trying to break new records. “We have been playing the Tom Clay record (“What The World Needs Now Is Love”) for weeks, even when we were an MOR station. Prince mentioned on the air for anyone not able to find the record in their record store to call Motown Records. Al Valenti called us and pleaded for us to give listeners the name of a record store that had stock; he’d been bombarded with phone calls for the record. So, we know we’re already having an impact in the market. The leading Top 40 station in town puts on a couple of records a week. But as a challenger, we can set our own rules about new records.”

WCAR will soon be “beefing-up” its jingles package.

There will be some six-record sweep; the records will be segued. All records will be post-announced. McIntyre, a 14-year veteran in the radio business having worked in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, New York and previously program director at  WOWO, Fort Wayne, Indiana, before landing at WCAR as program director, exclaimed “it’s nice to see people so excited about a radio station — from the girl at the switchboard to the news director, John Webster, a hell of a guy.” END

(Information and news source: Billboard; August 14, 1971).






WKNR Scottie Regen.BY SUMMER’S END 1966, “SCOTT’S ON SWINGERS” became reality. It became a recorded single ’45 promo having been written by Charles Edwin Hatcher, who expressed into lyrics a song dedicated especially to WKNR radio deejay Scott Regen in Detroit.

Released on Ed Wingate’s Ric-Tic label (Detroit) and numbered RT-109 X, it has been estimated by several Wingate associates since that only 20 to 50 of these recordings were pressed as singles at the time. And were all issued by the label as a single-sided record 45 disk with a blank flip-side.

When this recording was made in 1966, and just six months after his arrival at WKNR in Detroit from WHB Kansas City, Scott Regen was by then a dominant influential source promoting the ’60s music scene — having connected well with the ‘Detroit sound’ with his Detroit radio audience during his nightly shows on Keener 13. Whether it be Barry Gordy’s Motown, Ed Wingate’s Golden World Records, national or otherwise, Scott Regen immersed himself into the music he played on the radio when he was on. 

As it was, it was of no consequence within a short span of several months after his arrival here in June, 1965, Scott Regen was established in 1966 as the No. 1 night-time radio deejay overall here in the Motor City.  And to those of us who still remember, 1966 was also the year WKNR’s Scottie Regen would be permanently immortalized in words and in song. “Dedicated To Scott Regen,” it was written, produced and was recorded by a young, aspiring 23-year old R&B recording artist, then, who went by the name of Edwin Starr in Detroit.

Charles Edwin Hatcher (Edwin Starr) passed away in 2003. But he left a most significant lasting tribute to a legendary WKNR radio talent remembered in Detroit — still today — nearly five decades after this recording was made. Thank you again, Scottie Regen, for those special Keener moments you shared with all of us on the radio here in Detroit —

“… Yeah, listen to his show every night, ’cause the records he plays they are outta sight. So if you see Scott Regen, if anybody see Scott Regen, stop him ON SIGHT.”


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EDWIN STARR 1942-2003

“SCOTT’S ON SWINGERS (S.O.S.)” * Edwin Starr * RIC-TIC Records (Detroit; 1966)

WKNR Keener 13 Bumper Sticker



WKNR Scott Regen Burger Song



IN DETROIT, BY YEAR’S END 1966, the phrase “Burger” would become synonymous with the name of the Keener deejay who went on to create it while on WKNR, Scott “The Burger” Regen.

Photo: Official WKNR ‘Burger Membership Card’ courtesy/property of

In wake of Regen’s “Burger Club” popularity on his No. 1 show and listener demand for membership to the “Royal Order of Regen Burgers,” a local Detroit high school band, the ‘Shy Guys’ (Oak Park, MI) took to the recording studios later that year to cut this (now extremely) rare 45 vinyl pressing they made in dedication to the “Scott Regen Show on WKNR” (as indicated on the label).

Written, produced and recorded by the four band members, the ‘Shy Guys’ (pictured below) comprised of Ron Nelson (lead vocals; guitar), Marty Lewis (vocals; bass), Stu Howard (vocals; guitar) and Mark Finn (vocals; drums).

The band previously recorded “We Gotta Go,” off the Panik label (No. 5111) and Palmer Records (No. 5008).  The Shy Guys “We Gotta Go,” made it’s WKNR debut (No. 28) on May 16, 1966 according to

The song was voted No. 1 for several nights on the “Top 3-Plus 1” voting nightly on the Scott Regen Show — after one week (May 22) on the WKNR guides. Six weeks on the WKNR Music Guides (May 16 through June 20), “We Gotta Go” peaked No. 15 WKNR on June 6, 1966. 

“The Burger Song,” on the Burger Records label, was a special “off-shoot” recording (from the original Panik Records label) numbered 5004. “Scott Burger.” So let’s hear it again. One more time.  As was recorded and dedicated exclusively — and only — by the ‘Shy Guys’ for WKNR’s Scottie Regen, 1966.

“The Burger Club is growing fast, you gotta join today. All you need is your radio, to swing the ‘Burger’ way . . . ”


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The official WKNR Scott Regen “Burger” membership card above, property/courtesy the official website. For more on Scottie Regen revisit the entire Keener experience only at KEENER13.COM!

THE SHY GUYS (Photo update, Tuesday 2:40 PM; 8/4/15: This photo is owned and is the sole property of Harriet Cohen-Finn)

“THE BURGER SONG (WE GOTTA GO)” * The Shy Guys * BURGER Records (1966)

WKNR Keener 13 Bumper Sticker (1965)



THE MICHIGAN BROADCASTER | June 2014 (pg. 1.) Courtesy Steve Schram and Scott Westerman

 THE MICHIGAN BROADCASTER | June 2014 (pg. 1) | (Courtesy Scott Westerman and Steve Schram)
THE MICHIGAN BROADCASTER | June 2014 (pg. 2.) Courtesy Steve Schram and Scott Westerman

 THE MICHIGAN BROADCASTER | June 2014 (pg. 1) | (Courtesy Scott Westerman and Steve Schram)
THE MICHIGAN BROADCASTER | June 2014 (pg. 3.) Courtesy Steve Schram and Scott Westerman

WKNR 13 Bob Green: “Yes, we were thrilled with how our ’50 years ago’ celebration went. Scott Westerman and Steve Schram joined a bunch of ‘Keener Originals’ in NYC. GM Frank Maruca, who was such a big part of Keener’s success couldn’t make it. So we skyped him after dinner so we could all say Hi. Here it’s Bob Green, Frank ‘Swingin’ Sweeney and Steve Schram talking with Maruca.” (All photos property of Steve Schram; Scott Westerman; Bob Green and 2014).

WKNR 12 Bob Green
WKNR 13 Bob Green: “The full group (back row): ‘Swingin’ Sweeney. Scott Regen. Bob Green. Jerry Goodwin. Gary Stevens. Robin Seymour. Front row: Pat St. John. John Maher (WKNR News). Jim Brooker (WKNR News). Jim Kerr (Robin Stone WKNR ’71-’72).” (All photos property of Steve Schram; Scott Westerman; Bob Green and 2014).

WKNR 13 Bob Green: “The reenactment (June, 2014) of our first Keener Birthday in 1964. Robin Seymour. Frank ‘Swingin’ Sweeney. Gary Stevens. Jerry Goodwin. Pat St. John. Bob Green.” (All photos property of Steve Schram; Scott Westerman; Bob Green and Keener 2014).

(Click on image for detailed view)

A MCRFB Note: The ‘WKNR Reunion Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Station Launch’ took place at ‘The Redeye Cafe Restaurant,’ 890 7th Avenue, NYC, the weekend of June 14-15, 2014.  A special thanks goes out to all our friends, Scott Westerman, Steve Schram, Bob Green, Scott Regen and all the WKNR “originals” for sharing with us your special ’50th’ Keener moments with us from NYC. Also. A ‘thank you’ to ‘The Michigan Broadcaster’ for providing the WKNR editorial (June 2014) MCRFB posted above. Keener LIVES 24/7 at —

For everything WKNR 24/7 relive the Keener experience only at!        

      To fully appreciate these images — click the Michigan Broadcaster frames 2x for largest view. All photos click on for larger views.

On your mobile device? Tap on images. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.



Scott Regen, seen here, introduced, emceed the Beatles concert for WKNR at the Olympia on August 13, 1966. Scott followed the Beatles across cities in the U. S. during half of their concert tour in 1966. He would later say in a recorded interview with Tim Nixon (WHND) in 1983, his experience with the Beatles in the 1960s “… was astonishing to me. Although I knew all these things were happening to me, I was WATCHING all these things happening to me.” (Photo credit: Bob Benyas)
SCOTT REGEN HAS A WEBSITE! ’60s legendary WKNR night-time radio DJ Scottie Regen has his own personal website on the web today. There, Scottie reflects on his illustrious career, of his personal memories, experiences he shares during the years he was on ‘Keener 13’ in Detroit. With the Beatles. With Motown. On-Air Highlights. You’ll find photos, and more. His personal Scott Regen moments will take you back when he was the No. 1 radio disk jockey in Detroit during the ‘Keener’ era. Go there now ( “All Those Flower Power Years Ago”  (Photo credit: Bob Benyas)
WKNR Scott Regen photograph. Scott Regen autographed this photo for George Griggs (curator; Motor City Radio Flashbacks) back in 1966.
An authentic Scott Regen WKNR photograph: Scottie Regen autographed this photo for George Griggs (curator; Motor City Radio Flashbacks) in 1966. And for all those special Keener radio memories you gave to us. We remember. Thank you, Scott Regen.

WKNR Keener 13 Bumper Sticker

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JFK Presidential Portrait

JFK '63 Arlington November 2013
Who Shall Speak For Us Now?
Who shall speak for us now?
For the moment has taken him
Just as the moment
Brought him forth.
Curtain calls were many,
On our feet, hearts in our hands,
Applause loud and clear.
But now he lives, no longer here.
I think he knew all at the last moment,
Looking back at us, missing us
In his eyes. Then his final bow,
His last goodbye.
Oh, that faraway yesterday,
Had he not done
All his time would allow?
Who shall speak for us now?
And might he ask of us each,
And with qualification,
What of your own voice?
“Who Shall Speak For Us Now?” A personal favorite poem on JFK submitted by Scottie Regen. ’60s WKNR Detroit radio personality. November 15, 2013
Arlington National Cemetery. Dawn. November 22, 2013
Dawn. Arlington National Cemetery. November 22, 2013
Arlington National Cemetery. Dusk. November 22, 2013
Dusk. Arlington National Cemetery. November 22, 2013

Arlington Nation Cemetery. November 22, 2003




From the MCRFB audio files, featuring:

Scott Regen ON AIR HIGHLIGHTS 1965 — 1970






“Scott Regen was a phenomenon, and I just went along for the ride.” — Scottie Regen, legendary “Keener 13” and “Big 8” Detroit radio personality in the ’60s



“This is John Lennon, you’re probably listening to Scott Regen now and if you’re not, well you can’t hear what we’re sayin,’ tuh duh. . . .”

“Hello this is Paul McCartney, talking to a gentleman called Scott Regen who does his best to keep you happy.”

“Hi, this is Scott Regen of the Miracles and you’re listening to the Smokey Robinson show.” — Smokey Robinson

“Hi. This is Stevie Wonder and I’ll be visiting the Scott Regen Show. I hope that you’re with me when I do… I like to thank all of you for your cards and letters asking for me to be on the Scott Regen Show, you know I was coming. . . . so, until I’m on I’ll see ‘ya later.”

“Hi, this Johnny Rivers reminding you that you’re listening to the Scott Regen Show, that’s where it’s happening.”

“Hello Regen my ole’ friend, I’ve come to talk to you again. . . .” — Simon and Garfunkel


Do you understand the history you’re holding in your hands?  –Johnny Randell,  former WXYZ radio personality, Detroit, 1965 –1975

(Notes below from CD liner insert, as written by Johnny Randell, 2002).

Scott Regen, a phenomenon of the 60’s, was a legendary DJ on Detroit radio stations WKNR and CKLW. Scottie at one point had a 25 (share) rating on WKNR from 7 – 10 PM compared with the 7 and 8 of his two competitors. And WKNR could only be heard in half of the city! At one point on CKLW, Scott was No. 1 not only in Detroit, but in Toledo and Cleveland as well!

I was a deejay on a competing station. Scott was the most innovative and powerful force on rock radio. He was light years ahead of his time, instinctively marketing himself via what I call “Audience Directed Programming.” A concept no one even thought of back then.

Scott Regen used research, music mix, and the audience itself to create “Scott Regen.” And all from the heart. The history he made, his creative influence, is still copied today by radio programmers and DJ’s. Hearing Scott is hearing the evolution of rock radio.

WKNR’s Scottie Regen with the Beatles, August 13, 1966, at Detroit’s Olympia Stadium (photo courtesy Scott Westerman and

Scottie says the ’60’s were a phenomenon and he just went along fro the ride. Listening to his CD shows otherwise. Scott didn’t just play ’60’s music. He was the ’60’s. He was a gift. His is the voice we remember. Now, remember it all again with this historic CD. Or hear it all for the first time. Either way you’ll see why Scottie is “radio king of the ’60’s.”

Scottie has lived in New York for the past 23 years (as of 2002 when this CD was released). He has worked for Atlantic Records, New York Newsday, and has appeared on several New York  stations including 92KTU, Z100, WXRK, WYNY, and LITE-FM. He currently owns his own Manhattan based marketing-advertising company. His music tastes range from Billie Holiday to Benny Goodman to Chuck Berry, to Sinatra to Bach, and lots in-between. His favorite music however, is of the ’60’s. Particularly Motown and of course, the Beatles.

In 1999, the Temptations requested Scottie write their liner notes for their historic CD re-issue, “Temptations Live.” Scott introduces the Temps on the original album, as well as on this CD.

And he never stopped believing that “… in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.”*

Johnny Randell

* Lyric line from Beatles' Abbey Road

None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Bob Green.

WKNR’s Bob Green. “The Voice of Keener 13”

“When I auditioned for the job at WKNR, Bob Green (now Bob Green Productions, Houston) still the best radio production person on the planet, was on the air from 3 – 7 PM. He was also the station Production Director. And he was the one who created the admired, unique, “on air” sound of WKNR.

None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for Bob. He got me the job at WKNR. Not many people know this but I was turned down twice. Even so, Bob still went to bat for me! He believed I had it in me and put himself on the line with then GM Frank Maruca. He coached me. And I submitted a third audition tape. Then Frank heard what he needed to hear and I was hired.

There’s something as important as believing in yourself. Believing in others. Thank you BG.”

S. R.


Thank You. Thank You. Thank you. Thank you. . . .

Konstantine and Joanne. WK Studios, New York. Frank Maruca, GM, WKNR, Detroit. Paul Drew, Program Director, CKLW, Windsor-Detroit. The most skilled and “feeling” Producer-engineers of all time, Bob Lusk, Greg Hallup, and Colin Kennedy, CKLW. Jacquie Simo, St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. Johnny Randell. Alan Freed and William B. Williams. Barney Ales. Al Valente. Phil Jones. Ken Sands and Ralph Seltzer. HDH. Lawrence Horn. Norman Whitfield. Pat Coleman. R. Dean Taylor. Larry Kane. Cliff (Remember the night with Bobby Darin at Lafayette Coney Island) Gorov. Tom Geraldi. Kalvin Ventura. Ron Alexanberg. Irv Biegel. Tom DeAngelo and Tim Tam. The Shy Guys. Bob Jamieson. Peter Gideon. Sammy Kaplan. Edwin Starr. The Fantastic Four. The Parliament-Funkadelics. Michael Stevens. Pat St. John. Steve Schram. Jim Harper. Harry Weinger. “Smokey.” Stevie Wonder. The Four Tops. The Supremes. Berry Gordy, Jr. THE ARTISTS AND ALL THE LISTENERS. ALL OF YOU AND EACH OF YOU. I apologize if I have forgotten anyone. And finally, thank you to my closest WKNR helper, warm hearted confidant and Lafayette Coney Island eating partner, Vaughn (Santa Claus to my daughter Laura) Trafaleaine. Vaugh was known and loved by our listeners as the “Big V.”


Liner notes from CD back cover:
Scott Regen, seen here, introduced, emceed the Beatles concert for WKNR at the Olympia on August 13, 1966. Scott followed the Beatles across cities in the U. S. during half of their concert tour in 1966. He would later say in a recorded interview with Tim Nixon (WHND) in 1983, his experience with the Beatles in the 1960s “… was astonishing to me. Although I knew all these things were happening to me, I was WATCHING all these things happening to me.” (Photo credit: Bob Benyas)


Scott Regen, a phenomenon of the ’60’s, was a legendary DJ on Detroit area radio stations WKNR and CKLW. On this CD you’ll hear on-air highlights with: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Marvin Gaye, Motown founder Berry Gordy, Jr., Herman’s Hermits, The Righteous Brothers, The Lovin’ Spoonful, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson, Simon and Garfunkel, Martha and the Vandellas, The Four Tops, The Temptations, Stevie Wonder and more. (Back cover; CD liner notes).

From the MCRFB Aircheck Library, featuring Scott Regen:

Scott Regen – Radio King Of The ’60s – On Air Highlights 1965 – 1970 (38:44 audio)

Scott Regen (cutout; bottom) from a WKNR Music Guide, 1970


Addendum:For a comprehensive interview with Scott Regen, his thoughts, comments on his career during his years in Detroit radio and thereafter, read Scott Westerman’s insightful interview with Scottie at

Thank you, Bob Green. Throughout the years, since I first contacted you in 1999, you’ve provided me with three reels of WKNR production tapes, four Keener 13 CDs including this Scott Regen CD — and for only the asking  — through the kindness of your heart. Today, all those materials you provided us is today deposited and archived on this website. Bob Green, you are truly a class act. George Griggs, Scott Westerman and I cannot thank you enough for your contributions, materials, comments, and of your selfless time you’ve provided us with all things that was ever ‘Keener’ for this website.

On behalf of George Griggs, Scott Westerman, our friend Greg Innis, I, and from everyone who grew up in Detroit listening to you on WKNR and CKLW, we thank you, Scottie Regen. For all those wonderful radio memories you shared with us during the time you were sitting high on top at No. 1 in Detroit. Hearing you on the radio, not only were you just on. You were there for us. Your audience. And if only just for that reason, we can say your radio listeners loved Scottie Regen all the more in return.

Today, Scott Regen, MCRFB remembers as we salute you.


(The Scott Regen and Bob Green photographs above courtesy George Griggs).

A 23-year old Scottie Regen on WKNR in 1965. When this picture was taken, evidently this photo did not reveal the legacy early-on that would become synonymous with his name and the station he worked for during the ’60’s in Detroit — WKNR Keener 13.
