Aircheck Library


Great recordings of great Motor City jocks. More GREAT airchecks will be added here!

[listyofiles folder=”./files/airchex/”]


125 thoughts on “Aircheck Library”

  1. I am so grateful that George Griggs, Scott Westerman and Jim Feliciano have joined forces to bring back all the great Motor City radio memories we grew up with. Thanks guys!!! Fantastic web-site. I’ll be checking it out on a regular basis.

    1. Greg, in essence you were primarily who may be responsible for my vast interest in Detroit radio airchecks.

      Back in 1983, at WNIC. You were kind enough to enlighten me on the history of WKNR Keener13, as you were there near the end of the Keener legacy in the early 1970s.

      In sharing stories with me, You left nothing out as to all what you knew of Keener 13 and all those Keener jocks we loved listening in the 1960s. Especially Bob Green and Scotty Regan!

      Thank you my good friend, and if we can find a place for you anywhere on this site, truly you deserve a place here as well. By the way, I still have that 2-hour Memorex WKNR cassette aircheck tape you made for me loaded with that Keener sound!

      And what Keener memories… that tape no matter how many times I would listen to it then, well… sorta made me feel like I was back in Keenerland all over again!

  2. What an outstanding job you guys have done. This is an amazing site. It is rich with content and very well designed. Detroit needs this, history needs this, the industry needs this. Congratulations to George, Scott and Jim.

    1. Thank you Jim Hampton!

      On behalf of Scott W., George Griggs and all who are currently contributing to this site, we felt without question, Jim Hampton’s Radio Recall deserved a permanent place right here.

      Everyone who visits this site, they now have an opportunity to listen how Detroit radio used to be, as only Jimmy Hampton could *recall* it, as it was, from a 1270 perspective… as you were there with the ‘Spotlight Sound’ when personality radio was nothing less than’prime-time’ in Detroit during the ’60s.

      Jim, thanks for stopping by. Pass the word and tell your radio friends we are here, and let them know we’re here to stay.

  3. Let me add my praise and thanks to Jim, Scott and George for their time and effort in assembling this, a real treasure chest of Motor City Memories!

  4. Very cool to hear one of my more memorable times on the air when I got to spend the afternoon with Tom Shannon and Gary Burbank. Thank you guys.

    1. Gene Maxwell!

      Retro-Detroit radio 1980s…

      I still vividly remember the WNIC air-staff then with Jim Paolucci, Paul Russell, Jim Harper in the AM with Dave Lockhart and Linda Lanci, and of course there you were in the afternoons, Dick Shafran was there, and Alan Almond was doing his thing from 8 till midnight. On the AM dial I still remember Gene Taylor and Dennis Medley in the AM studios during the evenings as well… and, who could forget Steve Courtney’s sense of humor he always seem to display while he was at WNIC?

      When Alan left WNIC for WMJC’s “Candel Light” at the time, Johnny Williams, formerly of CKLW stepped in to fill the void left open by Almond’s departure from “Pillow Talk.” One of the nicest persons one could ever meet.

      I was hired to run weekend-programming Saturdays and Sundays overnights at WNIC, from 1984 through 1986. Initially I ran the board for WMTG (Motown Gold) on the AM side as well.

      And of course, who could forget Doctor Ruth’s Westheimer’s “Sexually Speaking” during the wee-hours on Sunday mornings? and Wayne State’s very own “Ask The Professor” on WNIC? Well, I ran the FM board during those two shows. I recall “Ask The Professor” certainly had a long run on WNIC for many years, back then!

      Gene, It certainly was a pleasure that I was there at WNIC during that time. Thank you Gene for visiting us here at

  5. Thanks for allowing me to hear the late great Conrad Patrick again!!! Talk about memories from my early childhood days!! He was one of the voices on Channel 9. I seem to remember that he had more of a growl to his voice up in that booth. Maybe I was mistaken.

    On Monday, May 12, 1969 he seems to be enjoying himself talking about taking his wife out for Mom’s Day. But sadly, she isn’t speaking to him anymore!

    1. Conrad was one of the last of the true personalities. This man had a good sense of humour.

      He is truly missed.

  6. I have several WDRQ airchecks with morning jock Bill Baily (???? last name spelling) from Sept & Oct 1973 and I was wondering if you guys have any of the same from that time period which you can post……mine are only 1 to 2 mb in size…….must be Bill Baily only…………..thank you

  7. Looking for un-scoped HIT/CHR airchecks from the early 80s (especially 1981-1982). Have a huge list. If you are interested in a trade, please email and we can arrange something…?

    Great site. Would LOVE an unscoped version of the CKLW December 1981 aircheck (if an un-scoped version even exists).

    1. Hi Joel,

      Thanks for your expressed compliments on this site, we appreciate your candor as well.

      We don’t trade air checks here. We provide air checks as we post them and, as you know, we share them with anyone who may wish to peruse this website.

      Anyone can download these as they wish if they’d like. If you (or anyone else) have anything you would like to donate for the site, let us know what you have, but only Detroit radio air checks. We’d be more than happy to post them right here for others to enjoy as well.

      Thanks Joel and keep coming back for more great memories right here on Motor City Radio Flashbacks!

  8. Just got turned on to this remarkable site by dear friend Bobby Green. I have a rather lengthy ‘KNR aircheck of my show complete with my introducing the world premier of “You’re My Everything” by the Temptations if that’s of any interest. I’m only sorry there’s no airchecks of the legendary WABX, one of the original “free-form” stations in the country. Thanks for this historical site.

    1. Hello Jerry!

      Wow! A golden Keener voice of the past…on behalf of George Griggs, Scott Westerman and, what a pleasure it was just reading your comments this morning on our website!

      One of the most dissapointing reality is the fact that we do not have much on WKNR insofar as you and Ted Clark as well, of all the airchecks we’ve accumulated from our vast collection. In fact, George Griggs and I were just talking about this just two days ago.

      Of course! We would love to have anything you would like to share with us when you were on WKNR, anything on you, airchecks, photos, comments, memories, production pieces and the like, and we’ll make sure we’ll share them with everyone who visits this site.

      Also, if you have any airchecks on other Keener jocks while you were there, if you’d like to share any of those, we’d welcome them as well, especially anything on Ted Clark.

      But again, we’d love to have that Keener aircheck you mentioned you have so we can post that Goodwin Keener classic right here as soon as we can have it. Contact or for an address and for any further information. We welcome your comments and suggestions anytime on this website as well.

      Jerry Goodwin, thank you so much for all those GREAT Keener memories you gave us during a time when you and WKNR were No. 1 right here in “Keenerland” in the ’60s!

  9. Thanks for posting my old air checks from 1966. The amazing thing to me was that Ted Clark, Bob Green and I along with Scotty Regen all came out of the Miami market. WQAM and WFUN were two of the outstanding
    Top 40 stations in the country at the time. It was a real kick bringing that excitement to the Motor City.

    1. Jerry, thank you so much for all the GREAT “Keener 13” memories you gave us all here in Detroit on the radio! And I hope you’ll enjoy your “Aircheck Of The Week” honors we just posted this very morning. Thank you Jerry for sharing with us here at!

  10. I just stumbled across this website and it’s terrific. While it’s great to hear some of those Detroit sounds from the past, I can’t believe there are airchecks here from WSDS in Ypsilanti. It was a blast to listen to Pam Clark, Chris Sharp and Brian Walker for the first time in twenty years.

    WSDS in the early 90’s was such a fun place. Pam, Chris, Brian, J.R. Scicluna, Suzanne Easa, Shawn McCrystal, Ricky Christian, Jeff Van Riper, Jim Biondo – a bunch of punks getting their radio starts. I have no idea where they are now, but they made WSDS sound better than a thousand-watt station in the suburbs had any right to sound.

    Hearing Pam Clark again reminded me of the time she wrote “NO SALESPEOPLE ALLOWED” on a piece of paper, then took a hammer and nailed that warning to the studio door. They don’t make Program Directors like her anymore.

    George, Scott and Jim – thank you for putting this treasure trove online.

    1. Hi Mike,

      This site is also about ‘you’ as well, and anyone who may peruse this website — thank you Mike for sharing your special memories and for your shared comments just the same.

      We welcome all comments, suggestions, and we’ll encourage anyone to share any of their favorite radio moments right here.

      Welcome Mike! They’ll be more great radio moments on the way so you keep it right here, ‘ya hear?

  11. Good stuff here. Thanks. Some of the labels for the audio files are erroneous. Also, the MP3s should have ID3 info. Anyone know what happened to “” and all the stuff that was up there?

    1. Hello Angus,

      Sorry, Angus, but the Aircheck Library will be back up shortly soon after we unscramble the temporary glitch as soon as we possibly can! But rest assure it’ll be back up soon….

  12. I am so glad to see this site back. I have missed it terribly. I am a Detroit media afficionado, despite being only 21. I can safely say that a lot of my knowledge of Detroit radio is because of this site. I hope to one day sit behind the microphone at a radio station, and if I do, I will definitely emulate the classic Detroit announcers!

    Once again, a pleasure to have you guys back!

    Jim McDonnell; Livonia, MI

  13. Would like to see some airchecks from 106 KHQ from the 80’s. They were on the site before and now they are gone.


  14. Those airchecks were on the previous Detroit Radio Flashbacks website. We don’t have them on this site. Sorry.

  15. Does anyone have any updated info about Super Max Kinkle? The last thing I heard was that he was left crippled in a serious car accident in 2004 and was working at an oldies radio in Northern NJ.


  16. Anyone have airchecks from Tigers games on WJR in the mid to
    late 70s? Would love to hear the great Ernie Harwell describing a Fidrych outing in that great summer of my youth.

    Love your site.


    1. Thank you Mike Drago of the Dallas Morning News, and we welcome you!

      Unfortunately, we don’t have much on Ernie Harwell insofar as actual baseball game airchecks at this time, as you requested. But we have several audio programs of Ernie Harwell we would like to add eventually to the aircheck roster, possibly later by year’s end: A Special Limited Edition Tribute to Ernie Harwell (2002). Echoes Of Tiger Stadium w/Joe Falls, also excerpts from the Ernie Harwell Audio Scrapbook and of course, the vintage audio from the LP/CD… The Year Of The Tiger ’68.

      We do have a special re-broadcast in 2010 of Ernie Harwell’s last game in 2002. Hopefully we can re-post the Michigan Sports files on the website sometime in the near future as well. Mike thanks for your comments and we’re delighted in knowing you’re enjoying the website just the same….

      George, Scott and Jim

  17. WXYZ Talk Radio had a half hour program in the early 70s at noon each weekday with an astronomer named Jackie O. Is there any information available about her? Thanks.

  18. I have wasted an entire day here at work listening to airchecks from some of my favorite jocks, and former bosses. Thanks!

    I had the great pleasure of listening to so many of the personalities featured on this site – many of them were the inspiration to get into the business. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with many of them. The late. Paul Christy saw something in the guy who brought him coffee in the morning, and put me on the air on WKSG. How great it was to hear his voice again. Some of my best radio memories are of working at WKSG and WHND. It was great to hear the voices of Boogie Brian, Dr. Bob, Ron T. and Richard D. So many great memories!


    Oh, and my apologies for my show that is posted here! πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Keith —

      Good to hear how much you’ve enjoyed dropping in on the site and getting paid for it as well! Thank you for your comments, in sharing your thoughts here on Paul Christy, WKSG and WHND as well. Of course, we’re always looking to add and accept donations. And if by any chance you have any airchecks, photos, or anything connected with your experience with Detroit radio you may be willing to share, contact and we’d be more than happy to deposit them right here.

      In lieu of your recent comments, we know you’ll enjoy the WKSG post we set up today here, on ‘your’ website…MCRFB. Thanks again!

    1. Thank you Larry for your nice comments about the website — well appreciate the kind words — thanks again!

  19. Looking for airchecks of WLLZ must have been the mid 80’s. I think the Djs name was Seigel but cant recall his first name could have been mike. Thx

  20. I was talking on the phone with Tom Neol one night (spring ’69) when he found some little switch in front of him that he didn’t know the purpose of.

    So, true deejay that he was, he flipped it and asked me to tell him if it made his voice sound ballsier!

  21. The old Detroit Radio Flashbacks had a couple of my airchecks from my WNIC and WMJC days. Could you send me those files if you have them ? It doesn’t matter if you don’t have them published on the site. I would like to have a digital copy for myself. I appreciate your help.

    1. Hi Bob, before we look into our files, was that your radio name (Bob Daniele) at those two stations or did you use another air-name besides your own? The name attached with the aircheck, hopefully we’ll have those for you in our Detroit aircheck library. Thanks Bob for stopping by our website!

      1. Jim;
        That was the name I used on the air. I’m thinking our paths may have crossed at some point. I was at WNIC from 1980 to 1985. Then Magic (WMJC) from 85 to 87. Doing weekends on the AM an FM. I also ran the “Ask The Professor Show ” after my Sunday night shift. The line up you mentioned to Gene Maxwell was the same one during my time at ‘NIC. Thanks for your help and a great website.

        1. Bob, I work for the University of Detroit Mercy. We are putting some new life into our Ask the Professor web pages and are looking for people who remember the show or had involvement with it. I found your post where you mentioned ATP and wondered if you could tell me more about it.

  22. PLEASE add to this library!!! WJLB, WMTG, WGPR, WJZZ and several other stations are NOT represented. I LOVE what you have here πŸ™‚

  23. Thanks so much for posting all of these classic airchecks. Especially the unscoped ones. I like to make a CD of them and then listen to them starting at the correct time. It’s like a time machine back to the past when radio was fun and exciting! Now its the same old 300 oldies and some dry automated announcer who’s voice tracked. Radio sure has gone in the complete wrong direction hasn’t it?

    1. Bruce, I am sorry but we don’t have any Larry Dean aircheck you requested. But here is what we do plan on doing. We plan to post a “call-out” if you will, a “wanted” on Motor City Radio Flashbacks for classic WJLB and WCHB R&B airchecks sometime shortly…. somebody out there has to have airchecks on these Detroit R&B radio institutions — as we would love to have ANYTHING audio that may highlight those two legendary Detroit “soul” stations we first heard way-back in the 1960s!

  24. I have just spent the past few weeks checking these out. Love hearing airchecks from the days of old. Thank you very much for sharing them.

  25. What an awesome site! Thanks so much for these great memories of Detroit radio that we all grew up with. I was a jock in Atlantic City in the mid 80s and my inspiration was originated by listening to CKLW and WKNR in my formative years

  26. WOW! WSHJ airchecks! Where my long and obscure career started in 1973-74. Sorry I have nothing to give you.

  27. I grew up in Dearborn from 1960 through the early 70’s. I returned from Vietnam in Dec. 1970…….and stayed a few more years before moving to New Orleans. I moved back a couple of years later and stayed another 11 years in Dearborn.
    I can only say……….thank you, to everyone who has contributed to this site, to all the work you’ve done in getting this site up…….and my last two words,


    Tom Hill

  28. I’m happy to be reminded of my “career highlights #1” from WAAM in this collection.
    Although I have been mostly on the technical side since those days, it was at this station I helped our Chief Engineer Randy Custer, install the Pacific Recorders consoles that are still in service today 35 years later!

  29. Jim –

    What a great collection of memories! As a lifelong Detroiter, from growing up in the 60s and 70s, to my career in radio in the 80s and 90s (WNIC 1985-1999), this stuff is gold – – – thanks for compiling ans sharing!

  30. Wow! I just came across this page…what memories. I DJ’d at WEXL for about fours years back tin the 60’s when it was country and Sparks owned it and WOMC across the hall. (WOMC was automated elevator music at the time and when I worked the evening shift at WEXL one of my duties was to change the huge reels of tape and record a newscast to be played during the night.) I wish I had an air check to contribute, but I do not.

    I don’t know if anyone remembers this, but Lee Alan worked briefly at WEXL while I was there. He was great. He had a couple of tape carts with zinger on them that he’d throw in randomly while doing his shtick. A couple times me and unnamed co-horts would recreate the cart, but put in a couple of zingers he didn’t know about!

    Ah, radio hijinx…!

    1. Rethinking this…I believe it was Bobby Day who I was remembering working briefly at WEXL. Lee Alan was a big name in Detroit radio, one of the first names to come to mind when I wrote that post in March, and WEXL was kind of a small time station. (Which explains how I got to work there, haha!! πŸ™‚

  31. These are all terrific remembrances and interesting comments. So important to preserving the legacy and Jim is to be commended. How many others would commit the time and have the passion ? Having said that….I must say I never worked at WEXL My radio employers in Michigan were:

    WCAR -WJLB-WJBK- WKMH – WXYZ- WHFI & WJR. Must have been an impersonator … Maybe Don McKinnen ?
    Regards Lee Alan

    1. Sorry for such a delay in responding to this, Lee. I had mis-remembered, obviously. But one of the rock ‘n’ roll DJ’s worked at WEXL briefly, following his years at either WXYZ or WJBK or one of those. I am drawing a blank. I remember he came on kinda strong for a country station at the time. He worked my old night shift when I was moved to mid-day. He referred to his show unofficially as the “Night Train to Nashville,” or something. Another name just popped into my head while writing this…Bobby Day. I think he was also an old rocker who was on the mid-day shift at WEXL for a while. I well remember “Lee Allen on the horn”

    2. Lee, your name was one of the first to come to mind when I was thinking about those great Detroit radio days, but I think it was Bobby Day who briefly worked the mid-day at WEXL. Hell, if Lee Alan had worked at the same station I did I’d have been speechless at meeting one of the legends. The night-time jock I referred to in my post was somebody totally different, and he only stayed at WEXL for a very short time (a couple months,maybe?) I am drawing a complete blank on his name.

      1. Hillarious people,,, hillarious! I work at WEXL in mid-80s when Garn Sparks was alive; it was inspirstional music & programs while also working part-time at WHND an Oldies music station, but i never met Jay North; however, later in years i am sure Lee Alan will remember recieving calls from VIC caller collect and that was to his production company ,,,yeah,,,silly days of radio and most of us cannot believe we actually gwt paid for having fun and the time of our lives with the talent that only God fi

      2. Who are you now? Dummies should not be in radio if you do not a license to do so,, what do you all think this is the 21st century of digital radio? I hear the FCC is digitizing “new” multiple choice handbooks and puplishing houses are scrambling their brains to get study regulatory handbooks printed but if test is given “online” ya all are going to have to prove who you are indeed, able to hear, and no putting out streamline music unless you check with RIAA. Whatever the heck that means. Its takes advertising and marketing to make profit in radio,, the music is for listening enjoyment – not to gain earnings. All that should be squared away with agent management and contract labels before it arrives to any radio station , in your garage , whatever dummy ametuer pipefitters, government officials. Btw its “radio day” and none of us work for Westinghouse i do not think so,,,

        1. i think those Tascam reel-to-reels are somewhere between the rubble at former Northland Mall and near Monroe Avenue in city of Grand Rapids ,,, if anyone locate them those airchecks are worth millions and priceless ,,,🀯

  32. Hi Scott Miller, Where Is Scott Miller CKLW-FM Windsor, Ont. January 14, 1987 Unscoped His Found The Lost Tapes Cassette Or Reel To Reel Tape I Website At From Aircheck Library Page! Thank You Leave Message From Mr. Scott DJ Shows! Thanks CKLW?

  33. Greetings from New England! Love this site. Keener reminds me of growing up in Boston with 1510 WMEX. Familiar DJs I found here who were jocks I listened to in Boston: Jerry Goodwin (Duke of Madness) from WBCN, WACQ,WCGY, J. Michael Wilson from WMEX.


  34. Great website, guys! I used to listen to “Old And Gold” often with Bob, Dotty and Sal…Miss that show tremendously…Hearing the WJOI and WLTI voices brings me back, too, to a simpler time in my life…There is one glaring omission, though, that I wish could be rectified…You guys don’t have any airchecks of the greatest Detroit deejay that ever ruled the airwaves…I’m talking of the ONE and ONLY Electrifying Mojo!!! And I still have my copy of “The Mental Machine”! There must be airchecks of the man all over Detroit from the various radio stations he was on, especially WGPR, WJLB, and WHYT…Who remembers “The Mothership’ descending? The Midnight Funk Association? Star Wars? 35-35-35? Lover’s Lane? Journey? The shout-outs? Mojo encouraging us to turn our porch lights on and honk our horns and flash our lights in solidarity with the MFA? Who remembers Mojo reading poetry from his book on the air? Who remembers the immortal words “Hold on tight, don’t let go. Whenever you feel like you’re nearing the end of your rope, don’t slide off. Tie a knot. Keep hanging, keep remembering, that there ain’t nobody bad like you! This session of the International Midnight Funk Association is being called to order. Electrifying Mojo presiding. May the Funk be with you. Always…”

    Seriously, am I the ONLY one who remembers this stuff???

  35. This is a great site,I’m enjoying listening to all the airchecks from my summers in Windsor at my aunts house in the late 60s-early 70s. One problem though,Hour 19 of the 24 Hours of CKLW isn’t working,it’s only 1 second long. Is there going to be a fix for this,as I would like to have all 24 hours complete,so I can listen to them as they were broadcast. Many thanks for an outstanding website,and a fine aircheck library!

    1. Thank you Donald for your nice comments and the heads up. Let me check that on the website’s aircheck library. If need be, I’ll reload/upload hour 19 as soon as I possibly can. Thank you for visiting Motor City Radio Flashbacks. It is the ONLY premiere website on the planet dedicated to the life and times of classic Detroit radio – primarily the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. Here’s another CKLW item you may look forward to. Coming soon: 24-hours of the BIG 8 from December 31, 1973. Open 24/7 and around the clock. Enjoy your stays on Motor City Radio Flashbacks! — Jim Feliciano

  36. One of my Detroit radio memories was listening to Ira J. Cook on WHFI, overnight on weekends. That man was a hoot, and I’d love to hear more airchecks of him, especially around 1970. Do any of these exist?

  37. the aircheck that is listed as “WKNR – Steve Robbins (Monkeesmania!) January 24, 1967.mp3” is mislabled and should be dated January 14, 1967… the clues are that he says the monkees will be in town tomorrow night (mokees played cleveland 01.15.1967) and he also speaks of the upcoming championship game (Super Bowl I)… great site and thank you for sharing!


  38. Someone is selling your airchecks on eBay

    AIRCHECK CKLW, Windsor/Detroit – “24 Hours Of The Big 8” – 6/29/73 On 2 MP3 CDs
    AIRCHECK CKLW, Windsor/Detroit – “24 Hours Of The Big 8” – 12/31/73 On 2 MP3 CDs

    1. We farted in the radio stations, during studio time sitting down while doing an shift. If any broadcaster ever tell us that never happens, they are lying. Happens to the best of us, anytime. You are not human then. , do “live” radio, but never fart while “on ait”, (pass gas) or in the hallways, near the secretary, your radio boss, in front the sales or News & traffic announcers, or especially during any sophisticated radio board meeting or listeners who come by to pick up any promotional concert tickets they won,,, who knows, most staff would pass out cold , almost worse than Covid-19.

  39. I have a bunch of air checks of both WKNR AM and FM that I have and will continue to upload. I have the entire 1968 countdown of the Top 113 songs of the year and have uploaded portions of that. Plus a real treasure of FM stuff. I think I can improve the sound quality to content already uploaded but have a listen to what is there now:

    1. Javed, enjoyed looking around your site. I did mornings on WCMF in Rochester from 76 to 80 or so, and worked with Unkle Rog, who was a tireless supporter of local bands and artists. Sadly, as you likely know, he was killed quite a few years ago and the murder has never been solved.

  40. As a kid and teen, listened to a lot of CKLW, living 20 miles south of Buffalo, so it came in great, day and night. Loved Gary Burbank when he did mornings. And I will never forget hearing that Dick Nixon resigned… on 20/20 News. I was driving home from a summer job with my dad and his buddy, and I let out a whoop, while their reaction was more… reserved. Appreciate the airchecks and props to those who had the foresight to record great stuff like this back in the day.

  41. Hi! Great Site. I looked over your aircheck collection for Wheels, 98.7 WLLZ-FM, and am sorry to see that we, the people who put it on the air in August 1980 and crushed W4 to change format to country (shedding Howard Stern), along with pounding WRIF and WABX, aren’t represented. I was there from day one, working with Doubleday Broadcasting president Gary Stevens, PD Jon Larsen. I was there when the station was broadcasting from the stick at 8009 Lyndon – a neighborhood where a big dog and a gun came in handy. If you’re interested, I can go into the basement and find you a couple of airchecks from 1980 that ought to be part of the “Wheels Collection.” After Wheels, I was part of the Doubleday gang in New York City at WAPP_FM. Another Gary Stevens success!

    1. Hi Jeffrey, thank you for your comments, truly appreciate you having stopped by the website. πŸ™‚ Yes, I would be most grateful ANYTHING you may want to share audio on WLLZ with us, WRIF, WABX, or anything else regarding Detroit radio. This website was built on a foundation knowing we are blessed there are collectors out there, in the profession, who had shared with Motor City Radio Flashbacks throughout the many, many years I personally began collecting Detroit radio airchecks beginning in the 1980s. It is reflective in our archives today, to which we are so grateful. Steve, I will send you our website’s email address in the next couple of days and would be thrilled in hearing from you, regarding your recent comments here. Thank you again, Jeffrey, will get back with you asap!

  42. I think your Mark Scott files are from the website There is a significant effort to preserve Mark Scott’s broadcasts there.

    1. Sorry, those tapes were personally recorded (and still owned) by the webmaster at the dates indicated, as I specified.

  43. I have been really trying to get some information about DJ Paul Childs of WCHB 1440 AM Radio from Monday – Friday from 7pm – 12 midnight. I have been looking for the Theme song for the show Apology Line that he did. If someone could help me with that information.

  44. Hello Mr. Jim Feliciano
    I’m still looking for information about the theme song of show called Apology Line Mon – Fri Hosted by DJ Paul Childs. If anyone knows the name of that song let me know.

  45. I would like to hear any unscoped radio shows that can be found featuring Paul Cannon on WKNR. Do you know if there are any out there? Thanks!

  46. I found this website after trying to find the video about the rise and fall of the big 8 (CKLW). I read the article on Rosalie Trombley ( as I remembered her when I worked for the station as a student.

    On the last page of the article it was mentioned that Pat Holiday “wrote his own program for an Apple computer and he now gets male and female data as well as age demographics in five-year spreads.”

    When I read this I was shocked to see that Pat Holiday took credit for my work. It was I who wrote this software in 1980/81. I was a high school student and worked part time at a local computer store (Computer Mart). I met Chuck Cameroux when he came into the store to buy an Apple computer. He asked me if I knew how to program computers and asked if I wanted a job. I wrote CKLW’s demographics software and was given a Hayes 300 baud Smartmodem for my efforts (worth about $300 at the time). Chuck also gave me a Dick Purtan license plate which I now have hanging in my garage.

    Seems like it was just yesterday. I still remember Dick Purtans saying on the radio…. “There’s nothing like waking up to Dick in the morning”

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  47. I Need CKLW 3-30-73 12-Hours Broadcast unscoped mp3 Please Let’s Have Some Fun PLAY IT! Thanks The Motor City, 3-11 Or 29-2019 Very Coming Soon Setup Mp3. Thanks Bossradio.

  48. Can you please check the date again for the following aircheck. CKLW, Johnny Morgan, 6-27-1967 (June 27, 1967). There are 2 songs from 1970, so it must be from 3 years later. Thank you, VJM

    1. Thanks Vasilios — you are absolutely right! Cannot be 1967, whereas, in the aircheck “We’re A Winner” by the Impressions was not released and did not chart on CKLW until 1968 as well! The year for this aircheck was indeed, as you had correctly noted, was more in tune with June, 1970 and the DJ was NOT Johnny Morgan instead it was Hal Martin and Frank Brodie (and the weather given was in the dead of winter!). What we have is a two-fer CKLW aircheck posted here!!

      1. Hi again. I saw your comment. Terrific. Can you just update the aircheck with the correct date (June 1970) also the day that it came out. Thank you very much for clearing this up for me. I love this website very much, VJM

        1. Thank you for your nice comments about the site. I truly appreciate your “love” for the site as well — glad you enjoy your visits here πŸ™‚

  49. Hi again. Can you update or remove the following aircheck: CKLW, Windsor Detroit, Mike Kelly, February 17, 1973 (RESTORED, UNSCOPED). When I try to play it, I get a message that says:

    This type of audio file isn’t supported.

    Can you find out what’s wrong with this aircheck and update or fix that link/aircheck. Thanks, VJM

    1. I’m just following-up on the following aircheck:

      CKLW, Windsor Detroit, Mike Kelly, February 17, 1973 (RESTORED, UNSCOPRED)

      I left an E-mail on 5/23, but I’m not sure that it went through. Get back to me at your convenience. Thanks. VJM

  50. To: Jim Feliciano, Hi again. I’m just following up on an aircheck that I sent an E-mail on May 23 & 25 regarding a correction in one of the airchecks, but I didn’t get a response yet.

    CKLW Windsor Detroit, Mike Kelly, February 17, 1973 (RESTORED, UNSCOPED)
    When I play it, the message says: “This type of audio file isn’t supported”.

    Can you please update the link to fix this aircheck, or remove it from the list if it still doesn’t work. Thanks much for your help, VJM

    1. Thanks again Vasilios, for catching the error! The aircheck has been dumped and replaced. Enjoy Mike Kelly on CKLW, February 17, 1973! πŸ™‚

  51. Hey guys!

    Thank you for this incredible website! Find myself on it for hours at a time.

    I was wondering if you have airchecks in your collection from 99.5 during its WCLS, WDFX and WOW-FM eras. I seem to recall seeing a lot of airchecks from those times on the old Detroit Radio Flashbacks website but it seems only a few made it over here.

    Would you be able to repost them here? I’d love to hear them again.

    Thank you! Keep up the great work!

  52. Hi Jim!

    Cannot say “Thank You” enough for this wonderful treasure trove of air-checks dedicated to the Detroit radio markets of the past.

    Without you, and everyone involved, my Keener13 Documentary project will not be possible. Be sure to look for MCRFB in the credits when it comes out.

    See you soon!

    1. Kevin, thank you kindly for the nice comments I read you posted two nights ago. As I said to you some time ago, if there is ANYTHING you need for your Keener13 project you’ve been working on, you can download all you need off the site, whether audio, images whatever you may find of use or benefit for your film’s content. It is there because of the many people you visits the site, people like you, who has given me much support and inspiration in that I shall carry this on as long as I am able to. Thank you Kevin, humbled I have you as my friend and I am looking forward to seeing completion of your Keener documentary one day soon AND I will look forward to seeing you next month in Novi my friend. Friends like you, Scott Westerman, Bob Green, Scottie Regen, Lee Alan, Jim Hampton, Robin Seymour, Jerry Goodwin, Paul Cannon, Tom Shannon, Charlie O’Brien (and many, many other GREAT Detroit radio voices) truly my inspiration today I have this website (and carry on-on for my late friend, George Griggs who truly loved Detroit radio as well). But more importantly, it is there today to pay homage to all my Detroit radio heroes I once listened to constantly as a youngster growing up in Detroit when they were on the radio, a time when Detroit radio was an integral part of our daily lives then, a long time ago remembered and could never forget. Thank you Kevin, for all you’ve done to preserve a memory that was much a very part of our youth in the 1960s, affectionately, remembered and loved still today. Keener 13

  53. Hi folks. I was wondering if you have anything for WHRV latter known as WAAM. I am specifically looking for anything with the DJ Ollie McLaughlin who was on WHRV in the late 50’s I have the WAAM aircheck from October 6, 1972 where Ollie talks of his time at WHRV, and then leaving radio to pursue a career in music publishing. If you can find anything else I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much

    Moira McLaughlin

    1. Hi Moira, a nice pleasure connecting with someone here affiliated with the great Ollie McLaughlin! Who went on to record, produce, publish some of the greatest sounds and hits heard on Detroit radio in the 1960s. Unfortunately, we don’t have anything we may connect with you in regards to your query in our collection. While we have several audio recordings of WAAM, we do not have anything, unfortunately, we could share, or help you with of your search, at the present. Hopefully your post may reach out to someone out there who may have just what you may be looking for. Thank you kindly for your comments here as well.

  54. Thank you for posting your comment, Moira. (Now I know where the name for one of Ollie’s record labels came from…) Hopefully this comment can post – I’m having trouble actually logging in and probably need to start a whole new account.

    I’m the one looking for WHRV material, but my focus is almost impossibly narrow. Specifically, I’m looking for a WHRV top songs SURVEY/CHART, from any date, just one needed. My offer for one of these, in any condition, is unfathomable…I mean WELL into four-figures at the very least, maybe even five figures…Ollie’s Caravan became “part of my DNA” in 1957-58 and has never left.

    1. Hello Mr. Merrill Nice to meet ya! GJ told me about you. What a coincidence that you would be the one to reply to my post here. Its always a pleasure to run across folks that were fans of Ollies’s Caravan. I’m still looking for the items you requested as I am checking with my siblings and long time friends of my dad. Is there a way we can correspond via email or some other method other than this website so I can keep you posted on my findings? Have a great night.

    1. Vasilios, my apologies, unfortunately, looks as though the site has to go to a restore point to get the site’s Aircheck Library up and as it was, prior this afternoon. The Level 2 techs from WordPress will work on restoring the site (as of Sept 6) in the next 24 to 48 hours.

  55. Wonderful website Graduated in 1969 from Detroit area and these soundchecks bring back great memories. Thanks for resurrecting the memories.

    1. Thank you Vasillios, for your kind comments! We had the old WordPress ‘Daily Post’ theme for nine years, and which in reality, the theme’s developers HAS NOT updated the site’s old theme probably in a very long time (I did try to reach out to them — TWICE — no reply), as we began to have several issues on the site, once realized, we reached the point it is in essence, the theme we were using became just too old and outdated to keep up with. No longer feasible in its use, unfortunately. Trust me, I would have kept the old theme if the issues were not so recurrent as it has been for the past 6 months or so. We had an issue yesterday, I went back to the old theme on Sunday morning. And I should not have to my regret. Photos and some audio files links were missing and some audio file on the site was lost. I authorized Bluhost to completely restore the website back to how it was on Friday, November 20 (when the site was running perfectly), and they were able to restore up to that date, late yesterday. And so this will be our new theme, ‘Twenty Fifteen,’ it is what you are looking at, and we will stay with it from this day forth. Happy Thanksgiving to you and to your family as well πŸ™‚

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