Capitol Records Slated to Release New Beatles LPs in U.S. after Christmas
HOLLYWOOD — Capitol is lining up Beatles material for a year-end sales splurge. Newest product in production is the LP “Beatles ’65,” which will be released the day after Christmas, featuring seven new tunes by Lennon-McCartney.
The LP being produced by Dave Dexter will follow the two-record special, “The Beatles Story,” out later this month. Dexter said the new LP will not be identical to same titled album to be released in England because the group’s latest single, “I Feel Fine“ backed with “She’s A Woman,” will not be included.
Despite the many British rock guitar groups which have followed the Beatles, Dexter feels the Beatles are immune to weakening sales action. Since they were the first mop-tops, he feels they have captured the “hearts” of teen-agers. But he does say that new groups have to develop a different sound since the guitar sound is not new any more. END
Information, credit and news source: BILLBOARD, November 28, 1964