
This list is selected each week by WXYZ Radio reports of records sales gathered from leading record outlets in the Detroit area and other sources available to WXYZ.

The above WXYZ 06/28/1965 chart survey was digitally restored completely in its entirety by Motor City Radio Flashbacks.


By mid-January 1965, the Detroit Sound Survey charts was no longer printed for the public in general. The WXYZ charts, as featured above, were instead published solely for Detroit record retailers, music outlets, one-stop jobbers, and distributors only.

These Radio 1270 top 40 charts was the largest of the WXYZ Detroit Sound Survey charts ever printed, having measured 17.5″ W x 22 L” inches in size. These charts were primarily used for weekly record rank based by popularity, position, retail sales, and were used for record retail rack displays as well.


Unless this site is able to acquire more of these extremely rare WXYZ 1965 chart surveys in the future, this June 28, 1965 chart will be the final presentation. We first began presenting these Detroit Sound Surveys back in February of this year.

Also, if anyone has additional WXYZ charts from 1965 in their collection and are willing to share — scanned or xerox copies would suffice — please contact this site, here:


ON YOUR PC? Click on chart image 2x for largest detailed print view.

ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap over WXYZ chart image. Open to second window. “Stretch” chart across your device screen to magnify for largest detailed view.


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