
When WHND AM first launched in April 1976, its jingle package for the station’s new automated format was produced by Drake/Chenault. Bill Drake provided the taped voiceover between song sets, and stamped the time (on the hour) and the ID introduction, “This is WHNE Birmingham, WHND Monroe,” as part of a rollout for the new “all oldies” format, which was also used by Greater Media stations in Pasadena (KRLA 1110) and Philadelphia (WPEN 950).

In the early 1970s, as AM and FM stations of all sizes began adhering to FCC rules and adopting large market models, Drake-Chenault significantly expanded into radio syndication. They started offering taped formats to non-RKO stations and established a studio (under Drake-Chenault) at 8399 Topanga Canyon Blvd. in Canoga Park, CA. Their early format offerings included Classic Gold (for KHJ-FM, later KRTH), Solid Gold, Hit Parade, and Great American Country. They also made the original 48-hour History of Rock and Roll, initially created for KHJ, available nationwide, followed by other syndicated “special” programs.


NEW! A special THANK YOU to Mark Yurko, of Langhorne, PA., for his recent WHND aircheck contribution for our Motor City Radio Flashbacks airchecks repository.

AUDIO REMASTERED! This audio recording was digitally enhanced by Motor City Radio Flashbacks.


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