6 thoughts on “WDRQ – JERRY ST. JAMES * 1977”

  1. Jerry St James recently retired, he and Jeff Elliott left WMJC (now WCSX) and ended up in San Diego. For some reason they started using they’er real names; Jerry Cecak and Jeff Detrow.

    It is amazing to me that Jeff and Jer where together for 33 years! I remember when Jerry and Jim Harper where to leave WNIC for WMJC, Jerry signed first then Harper said he wanted to be the PD. Magic said no and they split.

    WNIC got Harper/Gannon and You and WMJC got Jeff and Jer and I have to say I think Jeff and Jer won.

  2. I still remember his cartoon characters from 1979. The hearing-challenged “Murphy the Janitor” “Mr Flowers” always coming on to him, and Nelson C Armadingo (sp?) a fictional Dentist in a skit. St. James was a bit of a redneck. He interviewed a fictional Oil Sheik and said that Jimmy Carter’s only popularity was from his brother Billy (perhaps the Mother of ALL Rednecks.) I don’t always agree with Mr. Carter, and not very often with OPEC, but, Still…

  3. Back in the 70’s, I listened to Jerry St. James every morning while getting ready for work. Between playing rock ‘n’ roll songs, he’d talk about stuff that was going on. My favorite was his poem about coffee prices. It went like this: “Coffee prices are a grind. I look at them and scoff. And if the prices stay this high, then I’ll just stay TEA’D OFF!”

  4. I started listening to Jerry when he was on U100 in the Twin Cities, 1975 and 1976. I would listen to him on the way to school at the University of Minnesota to study Chemical Engineering. It was the highlight of my day! He was so funny and unique.

  5. I remember Jim and Jer from back in the day! Their antics were just so over the top! I still have two items from those days. A “Harper & St. James T-Shirt. And a Jim and Jer coffee mug! The BEST was when they would do a “summers day” in the studio, complete with sand on the floor and blow up palm trees! Thanks guys!

  6. Detroit area listeners may remember the sound of a teletype machine starting up, followed by announcer style “Now, From around the world, across the nation, and up your alley….it’s time for the Jerry St. James hot flash news.”
    In kind of an off hand way he may say,“where’s the duck” and there would be a duck noise, or a horn honk noise (or similar sound). followed by a series of one liners, skits, and fictional or humerus actual headlines. The pacing was similar to “speed jokes” a more recent iteration on Wgn 720 in Chicago. The Jerry Saint James personality was upbeat, off beat, and couldn’t be beat. Cheers!

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