Remembering Swingin’ Time and Club 1270

From Scott Westerman and

“Swingin’ Time” the HOTTEST Dance Show on TV in Detroit





Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels 1966

By the mid-60s, Detroit could claim two television programs that mirrored the successful formula of Dick Clark’s American Bandstand. Club 1270 and Swingin Time became the Motor City’s showcase for the stars and would-be stars of rock n roll. We got our first glimpses of local heroes like Jamie Coe and Bob Seger also worldwide sensations like Leslie Gore and the Rolling Stones in glorious black and white.


For more on the history of Club 1270 and Swingin time, along with two classic video clips, visit


32 thoughts on “Remembering Swingin’ Time and Club 1270”

          1. No but I too danced on the show with a guy named Ronald Simpson wish there were videos we could purchase I been a long time but such great fun judy boles(then)

    1. I’m interested in pictures from Club 1270. I have a friend turning 70 and she was one of the dancers.

  1. My wife, Shirley Brewer, and I were both regulars on Club 1270 in 1964 & 1965. We started dating while we were on the show. During that time we also attended dances at the Walled Lake Casino and the Chatter Box Teen Clubs in Garden City and Warren. We got married in 1965 and were married for almost 36 years. Whenever we felt blue or down all we had to do was remember our times on Club 1270 to get us out of our funk. My wife may be gone but the memory of our time on Club 1270 still brings a smile to my face.

    1. My husband was on club 1270 also and Lee Allen is doing a reunion of some sort in September 2019 in Novi in Michigan. But I still do not know of anyone with pictures or a video, tries to get some years ago but no success for one of his birthdays.

  2. I remember new DJ Weird Beard making a crazed debut appearance on the show, flying over chairs, somersaulting and spinning in circles on the floor. Really fun stuff.

  3. We watched that show faithfully! There was a little dance we used to do called the 1270. Don’t know anybody else who remembers it! Great show, lots of style!

  4. Does anyone recall whether Swingin’ Time and Club 1270 were live or pre-recorded broadcasts? And does anyone know specifically where the broadcast studios were located? I hope someone can help. Thank-you!

    1. Club 1270 was recorded….I was a regular on the show back in ’64….I remember they had to do the New Year’s Eve show on a Saturday afternoon….and the machine kept messing up so they had to rerecord the countdown a few time….had to sweep up the confetti and redo the countdown…I also did a few Honda motorbike commercials. Me and my girlfriend Sharon at the time had a blast doing the commercials…..never got any money for it though….

    2. The show was recorded in a studio at WXYZ Broadcast House on 10 Mile….we all congregated in the studio where the news was done and Alan would come out and inspect the people. If he didn’t like your hair or what you were wearing or if you had a mustache….you didn’t get to be on…..the res went into the studio next door and they had the tables and bleachers and the sign “Club 1270” on the curtain and they started….met a lot of acts back the….Dionne Warwick was so skinny back then and buck teeth…..nobody k new who she was.

    1. Lynda – I learned WXYZ does not keep archives. They used the same reels and taped over. Did you know a dancer by the name of Linda Vail? Do you have pictures from Club 1270? I am interested.

    2. There are no tapes of the show. The shows were recorded on 2 inch tape, very expensive back then and rerecorded over and over. I talked to Lee Alan about 2 years ago and even he doesn’t have any tapes. I have a short sound bite of the opening song, but nothing more. I was on the show for over a year…..fond memories!

      1. I have read all the replies from people that say they were on Club 1270 in Southfield, MI;
        not one reply mention when Mick Jagger was on the show.
        My friend Jim Tracy said he was one the dancers and pres. and received a jacket from Mick Jagger,
        ate the end of the show, I believe in 1964.
        Would you know if that is TRUE OR NOT ??

        Dr. Mike

        1. Yes-my friends and I saw the Rolling Stones there met them. Even got their autographs but somehow I have lost the autographs.!

  5. I have fond memories of Club 1270. The 4 Tops were performing and the lead singer held my hand and sang to me…wow! I was a regular and always danced with Roy Corea. Great, great dancer. We even drove Paul Anka to his hotel, such a thrill. Those were the days!!

  6. It looks like I will have to ask Mick personally if he remembers giving up
    His Jacket up in June 1964 when he was
    At Cube 1270

  7. Does anyone know Debbie Fargo. We were on the program. It was so great. She got the tickets and we spent so many weekends dancing. She was a great partner. Don’t know what happened to her. Obviously, at 75 it still has an impact on me. Life is too short.

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