FOUR TOPS * Something About You * MOTOWN 1965
From the MCRFB NEWS archive: 1967
Miracles’ Whisky Performance Stellar; Club’s Mikes Are Not
LOS ANGELES — Smokey Robinson and the Miracles prove that a hit record creates loyal fans. When the Whisky A Go Go reopened last Thursday (January 12) after a face-lifting, fans flocked to the opening show. The foursome’s opening was a happy, noisy affair. Some 85 per cent of the crowd were young girls who bounced and sang in their seats with the performers.
The club’s management has reacted to the recent abolishing of teenage dance permits, by moving the stage out where the dance floor formerly was. The hour was SRO for the Miracles, whose singing was marred by poor mike balances with a good eight-piece band which covered them up front with their own
Consequently, much of the quartet’s harmonies and counterpoints were lost in the front seats. Robinson handles his solos with exuberance while his aides provide the oohs and aahs.
Repertoire encompasses some good numbers like “Poinciana” and “Yesterday” and the “Best Is Yet to Come,” but they suffered because of bad sound balances. On the jump tunes, like “Mickey’s Monkey,” “Ooh Baby, Baby” and “Going To A Go-Go,” the quartet works hard and involves the crowd.
Motown act has a subtle sex appeal which helps build visual appeal. To be an effective club act, the group needs better control over its back up bands to allow their own vocal blendings to come through. END
(Information and news source: Billboard; January 28, 1967)