Scott Regen, seen here, introduced, emceed the Beatles concert for WKNR at the Olympia on August 13, 1966. Scott followed the Beatles across cities in the U. S. during half of their concert tour in 1966. He would later say in a recorded interview with Tim Nixon (WHND) in 1983, his experience with the Beatles in the 1960s “… was astonishing to me. Although I knew all these things were happening to me, I was WATCHING all these things happening to me.” (Photo credit: Bob Benyas)
SCOTT REGEN HAS A WEBSITE! ’60s legendary WKNR night-time radio DJ Scottie Regen has his own personal website on the web today. There, Scottie reflects on his illustrious career, of his personal memories, experiences he shares during the years he was on ‘Keener 13’ in Detroit. With the Beatles. With Motown. On-Air Highlights. You’ll find photos, and more. His personal Scott Regen moments will take you back when he was the No. 1 radio disk jockey in Detroit during the ‘Keener’ era. Go there now ( “All Those Flower Power Years Ago”  (Photo credit: Bob Benyas)
WKNR Scott Regen photograph. Scott Regen autographed this photo for George Griggs (curator; Motor City Radio Flashbacks) back in 1966.
An authentic Scott Regen WKNR photograph: Scottie Regen autographed this photo for George Griggs (curator; Motor City Radio Flashbacks) in 1966. And for all those special Keener radio memories you gave to us. We remember. Thank you, Scott Regen.

WKNR Keener 13 Bumper Sticker

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MarqueeTest-2From the MCRFB radio scrapbook: 1947

Detroit Stations In Publicity Shifts






FLASHBACKDETROIT, July 12 — Radio publicity staffs of major local radio stations were somewhat scrambled this week, with James Quello, publicity director at WXYZ, ABC-owned station, moving over to WJR, where he assumes the combined posts of advertisement and publicity July 14. Quello replaces  Bob Anthony, the first man to hold down this specific assignment when the WJR staff underwent earlier organization changes. Anthony is understood to have had several other offers.


Billboard, July 19, 1947
Billboard, July 19, 1947

At the same time, Loren C. (Bud) Watson resigned as publicity director at WWJ, effective July 19, and will open an independent publicity office. No successor has yet been appointed.

Further major row shift rumored was that of Harry Heilmann, sportscaster at WXYZ, who is reported slated for a sports director’s post at WJR.No confirmation on this report could be obtained but it was further inferred, on the basis of the rumored report, that WJR would take over ply-by-play broadcasts of the Detroit Tigers game next season. END.

(Information and news source: Billboard; July 19, 1947).
