On this best-of Keener podcast, its an all jingle extravaganza with a montage of logos from yesterday and today and our exclusive interview with jingle preservationist, Ken R., of Toledo, Ohio.
The Link List:
TM Century
The Keener podcast hosted by Scott Westerman, Curator of (Notes by Scott Westerman).
A SPECIAL ‘THANK YOU’ GOES OUT to our friends and hosts of the official WKNR website, Scott Westerman and Steve Schram, for granting MCRFB.COM honors allowing us to archive every one of those memorable classic podcasts Scott produced for the WKNR website from 2004 through 2006.
These WKNR/S.W. podcasts had been acclaimed by many then, as the consummate podcast medium at the time — a new form of entertainment, communication art suited for the internet — a template model how all podcasts should sound like — when they first launched on the WKNR website, 2004.
MCRFB.COM agrees.
Today, MCRFB will showcase the February, 2005, “ALL JINGLES EXTRAVAGANZA!” podcast. Motor City Radio Flashbacks has archived over forty podcasts the WKNR website produced a decade back. For Detroit radio purists alike, this was podcasting “Keener” gold for the 21st. century!
To relive the WKNR experience 24/7 visit On Facebook? Visit Keener 13 as well for all the news and updates and, much more. Motor City Radio Flashbacks salutes you, Scott Westerman and Steve Schram. Well over a decade there — still keeping those fabulous WKNR Keener memories alive.
THE KEENER PODCAST * All Jingles Extravaganza! * KEENER13.COM (02/19/ 2005)