
Dear Reader,


On my journey of understanding and spiritual love, my life and values have changed, as may have yours, and not without acute conflict. These poems reflect those times and changes.

This book is dedicated to our spiritual unfolding, to the “progressive realization” of our Original Mind by whatever name we choose to give it.

And so with that in mind, we can each ask ourselves, how in our everyday daily life, can we progressively realize — or remember — might be a more accurate way of saying it — our True Spiritual Nature?

One way of expressing the answer to that question is: we can try to practice — each in our own way — and there are thousands of ways — there is no one way — what we are taught via Eastern spiritual thinking, exemplified in A Course In Miracles:

“When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself or lose yourself.”

“You should look out from the perception of your own holiness to the holiness of others.”

Namaste to each of you in all you do.

Robert Bernstein, (aka Scott Regen, WKNR; CKLW; WCAR; WDRQ; WMJC) Once Upon Time (page 11)

Robert Bernstein with Eastern Spiritualist and mentor, Swami Satchidananda (Photo credit: Robert Bernstein; Once Upon Time)


‘Once Upon Time’, by Scott Regen, is available on Amazon Books GO HERE


Your author is a man who was there in the 60s, helping to make Rock ’n’ Roll what it came to be. He knew the artists, he was even responsible many times for what should be released and what shouldn’t. He was spot-on every time. Whether you were listening to his radio program or not, he affected your life.

This book is Reflective and Genuine, Peaceful and Rewarding, Spiritual and Thought Provoking. Read this book and Scottie/Robert will touch your life yet again.”

Pat St.John, SiriusXM Satellite Radio


Scott Regen / Robert Bernstein has special powers of imagination and expressions. As a kid growing up in Detroit in the ’60s, he was by far my favorite DJ on WKNR and CKLW. Poetry is a special description of all he does.

Time, it never comes back, but fifty years ago seems like yesterday to me when the radio listening moments were so profound and wonderful.

Here is “Once Upon Time”. I love this book, my favorite book of poems, from my favorite poet. And all from the heart. Scottie tells it like it is.”

Michael Groen, WKNR, WRIF (Detroit)


In my years of knowing Robert, I have never seen him move forward in actions that deny the values and balance that create the incredible man he is. His poetry book is an extension of his character. Not only is it creative and spiritually welcoming, but it maintains his elevated level of integrity and belief.

It was gratifying for me to read it, and understand the logic behind his literal and spiritual wisdom. I highly recommend it. You will be pleased, I assure.”

Namaste, Helena Falcon


Robert has been my ‘Course in Miracles’ instructor and spiritual mentor for the past seven years. This book was written about times in his life, both before and after he discovered the course’s teachings.

Reading the book for me was a nostalgic trip going back to the 60’s rock and roll era, the dawning of the hippie generation.

It is written with humor, grace and spirituality. It is a heartwarming collection of poetry, commentaries and verse, written about the way we look at the world, and how we relate to both happy and troubled times.”

Chris Miller

Note: More thoughts and ‘reflections’ can be found in Scott Regen’s ‘Once Upon Time’

Scott Regen pre-WKNR years. (Photo credit: Robert Bernstein; Once Upon Time)




This book is unlike any ordinary book I ever read.

For it is a wonderfully different type of book. Robert Bernstein (aka as Scott Regen) writes to us from the heart. He has penned a myriad of poems and lines deeply illuminating life’s journeys, chastened at times, by the human spirit. What is seen. What is not. What is past. What is present. The good. The bad. What is known. What is not.

This book will take the reader into a journey which will stir the imagination of the soul. And if one permits, refresh, if only momentarily, the mind itself.

What is written within these pages will make you reflect on your own life and mortality, your own time and place. Read. Pause. Thereby, think. For you may see what may lie therein, between the lines.

Scottie Regen is much more today than a legendary ’60s Detroit radio disk jockey. In that today, he is a man attuned to positive and personally profound spiritual thinking, graced with inner peace. Mind, body and soul.

Jim Feliciano
Curator, Motor City Radio Flashbacks

Available on Amazon Books HERE

Scott Regen backstage with The Beatles. Olympia Stadium, August 13, 1966 (Photo credit: Robert Bernstein; Once Upon Time)
