
A MCRFB Note: It bears noting how influential WXYZ and their personalities were instrumental in harnessing a commanding lead with listeners through their programming on the radio dial in Detroit, by early-1962.

In this Pulse graphic, and with the exception of the 6 PM-12 midnight time slot WJBK held a 23 share during their night-time hours, WXYZ garnered a 19 and 16 share of the radio audience — prior 6 p.m. — during it’s daytime broadcasting hours.

On Saturdays, note as well, WXYZ held a commanding lead on the dial throughout their entire broadcast day in Detroit, period. Leading with a percentage indicator marked 19, 18, and 19 listener share, in their respective time-shares reflected during the hours this Pulse survey had indicated for WXYZ.


These figures are percentages indicating the relative popularity of the stations during the day, the base, total station quarter hour mentions, is the sum of the number of stations listened to during that period. This base, divided into the total mention of each station gives the figures listed above. Audiences independent or non-duplicated FM broadcasting stations are not processed in this report.

F. I. — Does not broadcast for the complete period in English. Part of time period in Foreign Language.

A special THANK YOU to Jimmy Hampton (WXYZ) for providing this site the featured Pulse Report. The survey reflects the status of Detroit radio stations and audience shares, as represented, having been surveyed for the period-ending January and February 1962.


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