From the MCRFB news archives:

Bandstand TV Scene Bears Watching — The Detroit Scene




CKLW-TV host Robin Seymour host “Swingin’ Time,” 1965.

HOLLYWOOD — Teen-age bandstand TV shows come and go–and a couple of important ones met their demise during the past few months — but over-all they seem more popular than ever. Especially at the local level. A quick check of some of the nation’s major bandstand shows found them not only doing well from the advertising sponsorship angle, but in audience ratings.

“Shebang,” for instance, has been sold out the past few months and has a waiting line of advertisers, said producer Bob Burnett. And, though the Los Angeles show is no longer in syndication, it reaches a minimum of more than 4 million daily via CATV distribution throughout Southern California.

The Everly Brothers appearance on “Swingin’ Time” in 1965.

Among those national bandstand shows that became drop-outs were ABC-TV’s network “Shindig” show. “Shivaree” dropped out of syndication, but the producers are working on a new format to have it back in syndication next month. The show is now seen in the Los Angeles area.

For the national shows, formats tell the story. A local show can usually do quite well because, as talent-coordinator Art Cervi of “Swingin’ Time” in Detroit puts it, “From the local standpoint, you got a raison d’etre because you’re hitting the people–the kids–who can and do appear on the show. You have an audience participation factor that let’s people identify with you.” The Detroit show out pulls national shows in the market, said Cervi.

The Detroit Scene

“Swingin’ Time” on CKLW-TV, Detroit, is an hour bandstand show during weekdays and the Saturday hour show concentrated on featuring record artists.  But so many artists are now seeking to be on the show that talent-coordinator Cervi is using them on weekdays too.

Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels guest-appeared on “Swingin’ Time” in 1966.

Sponsorship for the show is good. The show is supporting itself and “it looks like its going to do much better,” Cervi said. “I think there’s room for a show like this in every big market. The only trouble some shows run into in various markets is that the markets are saturated with such shows. But we’re doing so well locally that Robin Seymour has given up his radio shows to concentrate on “Swingin’ Time.”

Cervi said his show reaches 85 to 90,000 homes a weekday and around 125 to 130,000 homes during the Saturday show. END

(Information and news source: Billboard; April 2, 1966)

A MCRFB Note: Here’s several videos of ‘Swingin’ Time,’ hosted by Robin Seymour on CKLW-TV 9 in the 1960s. A young Johnny Rivers and Bob Seger enhances as highlights as they appeared on the show. The complete shows features the Supremes and the Rationals when they first appeared on the popular Detroit/Windsor TV dance show.


50 thoughts on “IN DETROIT IT’S ‘SWINGIN’ TIME’ CKLW 9 . . . APRIL 2, 1966”

  1. I went to CKLW Swingin Time 1968 where can I see old footage

    please email me six of my sister went too. Thank You

  2. Amy,
    Thank you for adding your recent comments here.

    We just updated the Swingin’ Time CKLW post here, just for you… more “Swingin’ Time” videos have been added to this February 29, 2012 post today.

    CKLW-TV 9 and “Swingin’ Time” once again, right here, on Motor City Radio Flashbacks… Enjoy!

  3. First of all,I have chills watching.I am 57years old and live in Windsor On.I have always liked music with a good beat.I started dancing before I could walk.When Swingin Time hit the air waves,me and my freinds were to young to be cast on the dance show.So every Friday night from 7pm to 9:30pm my parents gave us the recreation room in our basement to create our own ”SWINGIN TIME””.I would do the top ten for instant”For its 2nd week at #1 its the Capitols”COOL JERK”.We had fun.Finally I was 13yrs old and could go on.It was 1968/69 and Mary Cathrine & myself would practice our moves all week after school.We were ready for showtime.My favorite was when The Funkadelic came,boy they got us dancing.During my time there,one time stands out.A black guy and his white girlfreind were asked to leave because they were dancing to-gether.It was the times.Finally the show us kids moved on.But part of me is still there at C.K.L.W.dancing on swingin time. Thank-you for the clean fun Terry McArthur and his freinds from Dr H.D.Taylor who attended his Friday night dance party!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I had a band and we were on Swingin Time with Brenda Lee and Scott Richards Case. Any chance of getting or seeing the footage? I would love to show my kids.

  5. My mom was on this show as a regular dancer for a few years in the later part of the show. I have a photo of her with Tom Shannon and a male African American performer. Would love to know who he is. Any chance I can email the shot to you for possible answers?

    1. Hi Julia, thanks for your comments here on MCRFB. Yes! Please do send us your picture with your mom and Tom Shannon if you would. Write to and thanks for sharing your thought with us.

  6. Can you possibly give us episode guide for ‘Swingin’ Time’: Episode, Season original airdates and a list of the acts on each episode. Thank You

  7. My uncle was on your show,I am looking for more info, his band was from Detroit they sang a song called Big Time Girl, I am looking to try and get the tape of this I will keep in touch with you

  8. He was in band the deltas in the sixtes please let me know if we can find that show I would like to get copy plz

  9. My father has pasted away. I believed his band The Court Jesters was on Swingin Time. Was wondering if you could give me any information on how to find episodes of Swingin Time? Thank you.

  10. My younger sister, Gloria, used to go to Swingin Time. She had a blast and always wondered if there were videos where she appeared dancing.

    Thanks, Mimi

    ps We grew up in Detroit, started out at the Brewster Projects, later to Redford. Now I live in South Texas and Glo in Albuqueque.

  11. Would love to see some footage from 1971 when me and my boyfriend of the time danced on the show. Bob Seger (my obession), Rare Earth ans Tex Rex I remember

    1. Swingin Time was not on in 1971. It ended in in December 1968 or January 1969 and was replaced with The Lively Spot w/ Tom Shannon. I watched all of the time and have one of those scary memories. I remember being upset because I couldn’t wait to be old enough for my parents to allow me to dance on the show. And was disappointed when the show ended when I was 14.

  12. I got pulled up on stage by Joe Tex as he sang, “Who will take the lady with the skinny legs”.
    It had to be ’67 or ’68. My Mom drove us numerous times to dance on the show. I Joe Tex’s autograph from that day!

  13. Hi, I’m a big Florence Ballard fan and I have always yearned to see any live performances of her solo. I’ve read that she performed/appeared on Swingin’ Time in 1968 to promote her debut single “It Doesn’t Matter How I Say It…” b/w “Goin’ Out of My Head”

    Do you have footage of this?

    1. The only dance contest winners I remember were the twins, Leslie and Lester Tipton, who were regular dancers and used to wear matching outfits that were made for them by a relative. They were chosen to represent Detroit on the American Bandstand National Dance Contest in 1968, and they won. Voting was via mailing in postcards by fans, I think. They all danced to Tighten Up by Archie Bell & the Dells. Leslie & Lester each won new Pontiac convertibles.

  14. in 1966 my High School put on a production of South Pacific, we were invited to promote the play on Swinging Summer Time, thats what the show was called then. I was one of the leads in the play so we went to CKLW in Windsor were they taped the show, we were waiting in the green room waiting to go on and in the green room with us were these 3 long haired rockers waiting to go on as well, we just started talking and one of the band members asked why we were dressed like navy sailors and we said we were in a play called south pacific, the guy talking to us said, Hey thats cool well my names Eric nice talking to you. They went on before us and Robin Setmor introduced the band as one of the newest rock bands around and then said ladies and gentleman ” This Is Cream ” Thats right, the guy talking to us was Eric Clapton, we were sitting with Clapton, Bruce,and Baker of Cream and we had no Idea.

  15. Well me again I am sorry I till have not heard from you , my uncles band was the Deltas there were five of them in the group, they did not have any band for backup they sang big town girl , plz let me know if you have any info

  16. We were on swinging time as Denny Jorden and the Berkleys. Would love to see that clip. Same year as Bob and the Silver Bullet Band.

  17. Please show footAge of the black female group from detroit, “the lollipops.”they were dressed in silver look like space outfits. this would be a rare but sweet treat for my mom and my aunt’s who made appeared in the group. thanks a million!

  18. Please include footAge of the female group the lollipops singing the song step aside baby. They were apart of impact records and motown and are being sought after by northern soul and others in the chat room. Please if you can, this would be a rare and special treat, I was about 4 years old when this aired on the robin seymour show. I believe the showing was in the mid to late 60’s. Thanks in advance, look for 3 girls in silver space type outfits. Good luck!

  19. I was born in 1953 aND was on swiNing time when I was about 12 years old. Peaches aND Herb were on the show. I would love to show my grandkids a tape of the show.

  20. I was the dance cirrdonater for The
    Sene dance show
    James gully is my
    Uncle, Saturday morning at 10:am

  21. The year was 1968
    I was 18 year’s old
    Then, I lived on Belmont street, that’s the North end.

  22. I was on the show a lot back in the 60s and would love to see the footage and show my grandkids! One time Robin let me tell my then boyfriend/later husband Richard hello on the air because he was in the hospital. That day I had on a white and black polka dot dress. I have blonde hair and was on there when Bpbby Sherman was on, Liza’s M’s husband, many, many others. Is it possible to purchase footage? Thank you!

  23. Jim… Hello…. and Thank You for your dedication to the music history of the Detroit area. You may / may not want to add….that Robin Seymour didn’t reside in Detroit….but rather…..He lived in Dearborn….on Avondale St. between Gulley Rd. and Beech Daly. My older sister used to hang-out with Robin’s daughter “Jenny”
    and for quite some years Jenny would visit and sleep-overs at our home. Several times i would give Jenny rides home to their home on my Honda 70. ….LoL

    The things i would do… reverse the hands of time. …. ~warm smile

  24. My girlfriend & I were on the show as dancers a couple of time. Tiny Tim was a celebrity on our show around 1967-68. Do you have footage of that show?

  25. My Mother is Lillian Dupree and she song with D-Town records
    “HIDE &SEEK” do you have footage of her at Swingtime?

  26. Does anybody remember Tom Shannon’s dance show “The Lively Spot” that ran from 1968-1969 in Windsor, Ontario? Is there any footage?
    It’s as if it never existed but I know it did b/c me & my cousins were regulars on that show!

    1. I was probably watching. Loved the show and Joe Tax and definitely remember him performing that song on the show.

    2. I remember the show with Tom Shannon. It replaced Swingin’ Time with Robin Seymour. If memory serves, it replaced the show around January, 1969 and didn’t last long. I also remember that Tom Shannon had been a popular CKLW radio deejay.

  27. My brother and I was on Swinging Time, it was either 1966 or 1967. I remember a group called the “4 Pro’s” made an appearance that day. I would love to have see a copy of that show if possible.

  28. I was on the show when I was very young.
    It was a Halloween episode, because I remember dancing on a high round spot.
    I was dressed as a Japanese girl, I had on a silver (very short) dress and had spray painted my hair black. I don’t remember the year, but hopefully you have Halloween episodes together. My kids don’t believe me, and it would be so cool if I could get ahold of it some how. Thank you so much!

  29. My mother was on the episode with Roy Orbison and got to kiss him. Would love to get the clip from that show.

  30. I was the trumpet player in Wesselfox and it is my trumpet playing on the recording used when the band appeared on Swingin’ Time. However, the guy holding (miming with) the trumpet on Swingin’ Time was a stand-in because I got drafted into the Army just before the date Wesselfox was scheduled to appear. I never had a chance to see the band play on TV. If there any way that video could be shared it would be greatly appreciated.

  31. Hi, My friend and I got in to “Swinging Time” while on vacation. i had on a cute outfit, so I was put up on the stand to dance in the background. Either June or July in 1966. Can I get some footage to watch back ? Thank you, Cate

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