Motor City Radio Flashbacks recently heard from Mike Kenny on June 19.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and comments, posted under, Former Detroit Radio Personalities — Deceased. Mr. Kenny, wrote:


“I spent 17 years in Detroit Radio / TV. Let me add some information to your list of deceased Radio / TV people who were my co-workers:

“J. P. McCarthy – Died 16 August 1995 of a rare form of blood disease. Age 62.

“Oscar Frenette – Hired me at WPON in Pontiac, then was my co-worker at WJR News. Died 9 December 1997. Age 71. Emphysema.

“Rita Bell – hostess of “Prize Movie” Channel 7 in Detroit. Died here in San Diego (Rancho Bernardo) of Colon cancer on 9 December 2003. Age 78.

“Lowell Newton – WXYZ-TV “street reporter” then Editorial Director at the station. Was vacationing in Rome in 1981 when an assassin shot at Pope John Paul II. Newton was first to report from the scene. He was later called to Rome to testify at the trial of the assassin. Died 8 February 2000. Age 87 (?) following heart surgery.

“Dave Diles – Died at his Ohio farm from a stroke on 27 December 2009 (not the 2005 date listed). Age 78

“Jim Herrington – WXYZ-TV “street reporter”. Died in Sarasota, Florida on 4 January 2013. Age 84.

“Jennifer Moore – WJR then WDIV Newscaster. Died 11 July 2014 of cancer. Age 64.

“Bill Bonds – WXYZ-TV News anchor. Died 13 December 2014. Age 82.

“Don Haney – WXYZ-TV – He helped break the “color barrier” in Detroit TV in the 1960’s. Died in Little Rock, Arkansas on 24 March 2015. Age 80.

“2016 was a bad year for WJR alumni. I lost some good friends:
Paul Carey – WJR Sports and Tigers play-by-play announcer with Ernie Harwell. 35 years @ WJR. Died 12 April 2016. Age 88.

“Rod Hansen – WJR Award-winning Newscaster. 35 years at the station. Died on the 4th of July 2016. Age 75.

“Gene Healy – WJR Newscaster for 27 years died 16 September 2016. Age 85.

“Bob Pisor – Detroit News reporter, Coleman Young Press Secretary and WDIV Newscaster for 11 years – Died 7 July 2017 of cancer at his Northern Michigan farm. Age 77.

“Frank Benesh – First broadcaster to appear on WJRT Flint when it went on the air. Later WXYZ-TV News Director (and my boss) during the Bill Bonds, Barney Morris, Solon Gray and Ken Thomas eras. Died 7 December 2017. Age 92.

“Mike Whorf – WJR Award winning Broadcaster. Died 10 November 2020. Age 88.

“Tommy Shannon – Well known and popular CKLW & WXYZ Radio “jock”. Died in Salinas, California 27 May 2021. Age 82.

“Frank Beckmann – WJR Newsman, then Sports for 30-plus years.. Voice of U. of M., and Detroit Lions football. Died 11 February 2022. Age 72.

“I am thoroughly enjoying your look at the “old days” of Detroit Radio / TV. I will look to see if I have any old ‘radio-checks’ around.”

Thanks, Mike Kenny


Thank you, Mike, for your comments and visiting MCRFB.COM! 🙂


WDTX 99.5 FM: 1986 [Detroit Free Press] DETROIT RADIO BACK-PAGE


Above featured article/advertisement courtesy newspaper archive. Copyright 2023.

The above featured Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks

Missed any of our previous ‘Detroit Radio Back-Pages‘ features? GO HERE

A special thank you to senior MCRFB consultant Greg Innis, of Livonia, MI., for contributing the archives (Detroit radio related) articles, ads, and images we have featured on this site since 2016.

Thank you, Greg Innis, for making these historic Detroit radio features possible. 🙂

ON YOUR PC? You can read the entire newsprint article/ad — the fine print — ENLARGED. For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB.COM home page.

ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap on newsprint image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.



Indie singles label, now grossing close to $3 million annually, readies domestic and international LP lines.



Like a rocket that’s just dropped off its first stage and is quickly moving into orbit is one way of picturing the present stage of the developing Scepter -Wand Records operation.

Stage One for Scepter — its old office at 1650 Broadway — has just floated away into space. Stage two has begun in a luxurious new suite of offices incorporating the entire sixth floor at 254 West 54th Street in New York. Another kind of Stage One, the pre-occupation with singles, has also been put aside in favor of currying a more or less all-round singles-album label image.

In another sense, the second phase has started in full sway. Previously, the company has devoted itself strictly to domestic r. and b. oriented product. Now, under an experienced hand in the overseas scene, a new emphasis is being placed on the international area.

The company began, in a sense, in nearby Passaic, N. J., the home at the time of the head of the company, Florence Greenberg. It has grown from a vision in Mrs. Greenberg’s mind, in the late ’50s, to a firm which today is grossing at a rate of close to $3,000,000 annually, and a company which has its own artist management set-up, an international division and a handsome new recording studio, due for completion soon.

“My son, Stan, who is 26 today and earned a Ph.D in music, had written a song called ‘Nightbeat’,” Mrs. Greenberg recalled last week. “We hired a singer and went into a studio and recorded it. We didn’t know what we were doing at all but we enjoyed the experience. My daughter was in high school at the time. In her class was a group of girl singers who had written a song and we recorded them too. We called them the Shirelles. The recording, “I Met Him On A Sunday,” was finally put out by Decca.

“They didn’t become anything big and we finally got a release from Decca and cut another thing, “Dedicated To The One I Love,” which George Goldner distributed for us through his Gone-End company.”

Shortly before this activity, Mrs. Greenberg had met Marvin Schlachter, a young advertising salesman for Cash Box Magazine. Ultimately, the two decided to open their own company. Joining them in the venture were Luther Dixon, a songwriter -producer and Goldner’s accountant, Jerry Roth. It was the start of Scepter and the first release was the Shirelles’ “Tonight’s The Night,” which was followed shortly by the group’s first smash hit, “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.”

“It was all pretty nutty,” Schlachter said last week. “We had an awful lot to learn about making records and selling them, and artist contracts and even keeping books. It’s really something that we were able to keep going. But we’ve developed something that can last a long time. We don’t have very many artists but the ones we do have we work with all the way.

“Look at Dionne Warwick, for example. She’s been on this scene for only about a year. But she was the featured singing star of the Cannes Festival last month and she has a schedule of top engagements lined up in the months to come here and in Europe.

Chuck Jackson, “getting great money on personal appearances.” (MUSIC BUSINESS)

“Look at Chuck Jackson. He hasn’t had many big hits but he sells well in the r. and b. areas and he’s getting great money on his personal appearances. Chuck makes $3,500 to $4,000 a week. The point is that we’ve made him into an artist who will be around for a long time to come.

“To do this we started our Wand Management firm. Paul Kantor, who used to be in the agency business, is the head of this. We do everything we can to teach an artist to perform properly. The record business is full of one-shot hit artists who don’t know what to do on a floor. Actually, we don’t make any money directly out of managing. We plough the income right back into the artist’s career, so it’s a form of insurance that we’re buying with the money.

“We’ve been almost completely a singles company so far. But now that we’ve been able to really establish our artists we’ll be moving more and more into albums. We’ll be very selective because you can get ruined fast by spending a lot of money to turn out an album that won’t pay its own way. Now, we’ve reached the point where we have 10 albums ready to go and we’ll probably hire a merchandising man soon.

“We take masters of course. We had a great success with the Kingsmen and “Louie Louie.” And we’ve had others, but we honestly prefer being able to have the artist right with us, so we can help build the career rather than working through outside producers.

“That pays off with record sales as well as personals because when you build the career, you also build a hard core of fans for the artist even if they don’t get the top hits. The Shirelles album that came out two and a half years ago, still sells about 1,000 albums a month, a nice catalog item. Chuck Jackson may not make the charts every time out but he sells a minimum of 75,000 to 100,000 singles on every release, which isn’t bad in today’s market.”

The company also is involved in publishing, with such firms as Zann and Flo-Mar-Lou, both BMI, and Mary Jane (ASCAP) and named after Mrs. Greenberg’s daughter. Ludix Music (BMI) is wholly owned by Luther Dixon, who has been with the company since its start except for one sallying forth into other areas for about a year (he had one working arrangement with Capitol for a time) and who has since returned to Scepter as executive a. & r. producer.

The personnel line-up includes Mrs. Greenberg as president, Schlachter as vice president on the sales and merchandising front, Dixon as vice president in charge of a. & r., Kantor as general manager of Wand Management, and Joe Zerga, formerly of Transglobal Music, in charge of publishing and the International Department. In addition there are nearly 30 employees in the office and the warehouse across the street.

“We’re going in for a big expansion in the international field,” Schlachter continued. “Joe Zerga is in Europe now, setting up a number of releasing agreements for our product over there and for release by us in this country of various albums from Europe. Pye distributes us in England now and Joe is on the pointing of completing distribution in some of the other countries.

“We expect to introduce the Scepter International album line in September. Joe has already arranged for us to put out six LP’s in our first release of albums from Ireland, Greece, Germany, Italy, France and Norway. We’ll have an album of Sophia Loren reading poetry, to give you an idea. Our income from overseas release of our records just this year will probably be close to $250,000. We expect that to be increased this year from these new deals we have.”

Dionne Warwick, the label’s big new star, poses with two of the Kingsmen. (MUSIC BUSINESS)

The overall Scepter Music Corporation, contains, in addition to the Scepter and Wand labels, the management and the publishing firms, a new studio now being fitted out. “We haven’t decided yet whether that will be a separate corporation but it probably will,” said Schlachter.

“We have a young engineer, John La Kata, installing the equipment. When it’s finished it will be worth close to $100,000. We’ll confine it mostly to our own use. Some other firms may be cutting here too but it’ll be on a limited, controlled basis.

“Another artist we are working with now is Big Maybelle. We’ve recorded some great things with her and they’ll be coming out soon.” “She is such a fine artist, and we’re willing to work hard with her,” Mrs. Greenberg added. “We think we can do a lot with her and for her, just as we have with the others. We’ve never lost an artist that we’ve signed. This isn’t called the Scepter family for nothing.

We’re basically r. and b., I guess you’d say. And I doubt if we’ll get too far away from that. It’s what we know and love. A shoemaker sticks to his last. Or you can put it another way and say if you know how to sell $3.98 dresses, you stay with that and forget about the $25 ones. We like to think of ourselves as another Atlantic Records. But I’ll say that I have a great admiration for Kapp Records and we watch what they do all the time too,” said Mrs. Greenberg. END


Information, credit and news source: Music Business, July 11, 1964

Happy Scepter-Wand executives present The Kingsmen with gold discs for their smash hit, “Louie Louie”. From left to right (standing) Marvin Schlacter; Bob Levenson, of Bay State Distributors, Boston, who first broke the record; Florence Greenberg; Pete Garris and Luther Dixon. Seated are The Kingsmen. (MUSIC BUSINESS)






This official Record Review survey was tabulated overall by each record’s popularity and its appeal, sales, listener requests and record airplays based on the judgement of WJBK Radio 1500 (1964)


The above WJBK chart was digitally restored by Motor City Radio Flashbacks

ON YOUR PC? To fully appreciate this WJBK Radio Record Review chart for the week of July 10, 1964 click on image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB home page.

ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap on image. Open to second window. “Stretch” chart image across your device screen to magnify for larger print view.


A sincere thank you, Mrs. Patti Griggs. This featured presentation would have not been possible without your generosity, dedication, and your continuous support.

Above WJBK music chart courtesy of Mrs. Patti Griggs and the George L. Griggs estate.



From the pages of Record World magazine, ads dated, as noted. The featured United Artists Records 1964 ads was digitally restored and re-imaged in it’s entirety by Motor City Radio Flashbacks.

The American version of the album was released on 26 June 1964 by United Artists Records in both mono and stereo, the fourth Beatles album in the United States. The album went to number one on the Billboard album chart, spending 14 weeks there, the longest run of any album that year. United Artists rushed the album into stores over a month before the film’s US premiere; as a result, the Beatles had both the number-one album and number-one single in the country when A Hard Day’s Night opened on 11 August 1964.

All seven songs from the film, the first side of the UK album, were featured along with “I’ll Cry Instead”, which, although written for the film, was cut at the last minute. The American version also included four orchestral instrumental versions of Lennon and McCartney songs arranged by George Martin conducting an orchestra of studio musicians: “I Should Have Known Better”, “And I Love Her”, “Ringo’s Theme”, and “A Hard Day’s Night”. After EMI acquired United Artists Records, this album was reissued in August 1980 on the Capitol label, catalogue SW-11921.

Credit Source: A Hard Day’s Night (Album) | Wikipedia

Audio digitally remastered by Motor City Radio Flashbacks




Russ Gibb, WKNR FM underground DJ and Detroit rock & roll visionary extraordinaire, passed away at the age of 87 on April 30, 2019.

In the featured aircheck, Russ Gibb interviews Jeff Beck on his Saturday mid-afternoon show. Inasmuch, Beck was billed to perform at the Grande Ballroom that same night. On another note, and across town as well, Creedence Clearwater Revival was to take the stage at the Olympia at 8:30 p.m.

In wake of his passing, the Detroit Free Press highlighted his career as a WKNR FM broadcaster, rock promoter, and ultimately, as an instructor/teacher in the Dearborn area.  In remembrance of Russ Gibb, you can read the article online, here.

This is our very first Russ Gibb inclusion (the first of two) for the site’s Aircheck repository. A nameless donor, in sharing this recording, expressed complete anonymity. The said donor has made two audio contributions, here and here. He resides elsewhere outside the State of Michigan today.


Audio was digitally remastered by Motor City Radio Flashbacks

WKNR-FM Russ Gibb, circa 1969 (Detroit Free Press file photo)


WXYZ RADIO 1270: 1958 [Detroit Free Press] DETROIT RADIO BACK-PAGE AD


Above article/advertisement courtesy newspaper archive. Copyright 2023.

The above featured Detroit Free Press article was digitally re-imaged by Motor City Radio Flashbacks

Missed any of our previous ‘Detroit Radio Back-Pages‘ features? GO HERE

MCRFB Note: Special THANKS to our friend, John Bartony (a.k.a. Jukebox John) St. Clair Shores, Michigan, for providing the above Detroit Free Press WXYZ 1270 ad (June 1958) for this site, as featured today.

A special thank you to senior MCRFB consultant Greg Innis, of Livonia, MI., for contributing the archives (Detroit radio related) articles, ads, and images we have featured on this site since 2016.

Thank you, Greg Innis, for making these historic Detroit radio features possible. 🙂

ON YOUR PC? You can read this entire newsprint article/ad — the fine print — ENLARGED. For a larger detailed view click above image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB.COM home page.

ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap on newsprint image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.



The Top 100 Hits of 1967 Countdown premiered at on Saturday, May 27, at 3pm EST. / Encore presentation aired Monday, May 29 at 12 Noon EST.

For the benefit of our friends who might’ve missed the broadcast over the Memorial Day holiday weekend, the CKLW Top 100 of 1967 broadcast will be archived in our Aircheck Library and heard anytime — ON DEMAND — on this featured page at Motor City Radio Flashbacks.

A special THANK YOU to Charlie O’Brien for recently contributing this special Big 8 Radio / CKLW 1967 Countdown program (May 2023) for our Motor City Radio Flashbacks archive.

Another Big 8 Radio production. An exclusive CKLW audio presentation. Brought to you by Charlie O’Brien and Big 8 Radio. 🙂






The above WKNR chart was digitally restored by Motor City Radio Flashbacks

ON YOUR PC? To fully appreciate this WKNR Music Guide for the week of June 22, 1970 chart feature click on image 2x and open to second window. Click image anytime to return to NORMAL image size.

Click your server’s back button to return to MCRFB home page.

ON YOUR MOBILE DEVICE? Tap over WKNR chart image. Open to second window. “Stretch” image across your device screen to magnify for largest print view.


A sincere, thank you, Mrs. Patti Griggs. This featured presentation would have not been possible without your generosity, dedication, and your continuous support.

Above WKNR music chart courtesy of Mrs. Patti Griggs and the George L. Griggs estate.



A MCRFB Note: Audio newly remastered, this WQTE audio aircheck was previously featured on Motor City Radio Flashbacks four years ago.


A special THANK YOU to Robert Pratt, of Farmington Hills, MI.. for providing this rare WQTE Tom Clay audio gem he personally recorded, as dated, 62 years ago.


Audio recording was digitally enhanced by Motor City Radio Flashbacks
