From the MCRFB RADIO NOTEBOOK: 1957, 1959, 1961 and 1962






DETROIT (October 28, 1957) — DETROIT DISK BIZ SLOW: Echoing a national complaint of recording distributors in the industry, Robin Seymour, deejay-program director of WKMH, Detroit, reports that in recent weeks the best selling lists around the Motor City has been static, with fewer and fewer new records making their way onto the charts. Seymour opined that that poor economic conditions locally are to blame, but added the optimistic prediction that things should change soon, since Detroit record sales during fall and Christmas have topped each previous year for the past several holiday yule seasons. END.

DETROIT (July 20, 1959) — Robin Seymour, WKMH, Detroit, has launched a daily 15-minute segment (6:15 – 6:30 p.m.) featuring musical highlights from a different year each day, along with commentary about news events of each date. The segment is produced by Arlene Schubert, who is currently the Dearborn-based WKMH music librarian. END.

DETROIT (August 28, 1961) — Two new jocks have joined WKMH, Detroit. Bob Green, formerly with WGVA, Geneva, New York, has moved into the 8-10:45 p.m. time slot on WKMH. Ray Otis, ex-WHK, Cleveland, has taken over the outlet’s 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. across the-board-time slot and its Sunday noon to 4:00 p.m. time-frame. Bob Green will also act as WKMH’s production director. END.

DETROIT (September 11, 1961) — Plans are now on the drawing boards for deejay record hops to be run direct by local arenas, with evening jocks doing their shows direct from the spot and featuring guest recording talents. Records by the artists would be available for purchase as well by recording distributors’ rack-jobbers. The idea of deejay broadcasts from rink locations is not new. Only in recent weeks, Lee Alan, WKMH, Detroit, staged a successful teen dance at the Riverside Roller Arena in that city with such acts as Bob Beckham, Little Caesar and the Romans, also the Marvelettes and the Edsels present. END.

DETROIT (March 10, 1962) — A flock of stations around the country last August supported city drives to encourage teenagers to return to high school and reduce “drop-outs” which result when youngsters find summer employment and don’t want to go back to school in the fall. For example, Dave Prince, WKMH in Detroit, sponsored a “back to school” contest, asking teenagers to complete in 25 words or less the statement: “I’m going back to school this fall because . . . ”  Winners received wrist watches and transistor radios. The response was so great that the Michigan Education Association plans to stage similar contests next year with WKMH and other Michigan radio stations. END.

DETROIT (March 31, 1962) — (Billboard Programming Panel) — Question: “Do you have special promotions or programming ideas which are designed to build better relationships with local schools and students?”

(Dave Prince, WKMH, Detroit) — ANSWER:

“Station WKMH deejays lead yells at the high schools each fall. We have our own WKMH cheerleader sweaters, megaphones, and a special series of school chants and yells, using the deejays’ names, station call-letters, etc. I also sponsor a “Back To School” contest at the radio station during the fall in co-operation with the Michigan Education Association, giving away 10 wrist watches to the best ten letters. The MEA will incorporate the idea throughout Michigan next fall.” END.


A MCRFB Note: Information and news source: Billboard Magazine. All excerpts culled as was first published from the dated editions as noted above.



Robin Seymour's Teen Town CKLW TV-9 August 14 - 21, 1964

A MCRFB ADVERTISEMENT RIP: The Detroit News TV Guide. ‘TEEN TOWN’ with Robin Seymour. Friday, August 14, 1964. WATCH IT HERE: Below, one hour of Robin Seymour’s ‘Teen Town‘  — RARE — the ‘Motown Story’. The entire Detroit CKLW-TV9 teen dance broadcast from 1965!



MarqueeTest-2From the MCRFB news archive: 1967

Music Happenings In and Around Detroit Town, 1967






DETROIT — Triangle Productions is bringing Judy Garland to Cobo Arena on September 29 for one performance . . . Johnny Trudell has become the leader of the Roostertail Orchestra. Lead trumpet player Trudell has played in the club’s orchestra for seven years and is also a staff musician at Motown Records . . . Diana Ross and the Supremes are scheduled to tape the Hollywood Palace TV show September 20-22 . . . Flint’s own the Fabulous Pack taped an ‘Upbeat’ TV show segment in Cleveland on August 19, featuring their new release “Wide Trackin” . . .  The Grande Ballroom brought in the Chambers Brothers Friday and Saturday (September 1 and 2) . . .  The Pop Series at the Detroit Masonic Auditorium for the 1967-1968 season Mantovani, Harry Simeone Chorale, New Christy Minstrels, Ferrante and Teicher and Victor Borge . . . Fred Saxon, Mercury promotion man here, is putting out a weekly newsletter for radio stations and press in the Detroit area. The newsletter gives information about new product releases in the Mercury Records family. END

The New Christy Minstrels on stage on the Ed Sullivan Show 1963
The New Christy Minstrels on stage on the Ed Sullivan Show 1963

(Information and news source: Billboard; September 16, 1967).



Beatles Ed Sullivan (header) mcrfb2

F E B R U A R Y  9 ,  1 9 6 4 :   T O D A Y  I N   M U S I C   H I S T O R Y


1964: At 8:00 PM EST, CBS’ Ed Sullivan Show takes to the airwaves to broadcast the Beatles’ first US television appearance. Nearly 73 million Americans — a record for its time, and still one of the highest ratings ever — watch as John, Paul, George and Ringo perform “All My Loving,” “Till There Was You,” “She Loves You,” “I Saw Her Standing There,” and “I Want to Hold Your Hand” to 703 screaming teenage fans (mostly girls) in the audience.

Beatles New York Daily News February 10, 1964 (click image for larger view)
‘BEATLES AND SHRIEKS ON U.S. TV’: Beatles New York Daily News feature, February 10, 1964 (click image for larger view)

Although the group realized how important America was to their career, they had no idea just how important the Sullivan show was to domestic audiences; when the full impact of the event hit them just before the show, John Lennon became so nervous he taped the band’s song lyrics to the back of his guitar, just in case.

Before the band’s performance, Sullivan reads a telegram: “Congratulations on your appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show and your visit to America STOP We hope your engagement will be successful and your visit pleasant STOP Sincerely Elvis and the Colonel.” During “Till There Was You,” a message flashes when John appears on-screen: “Sorry, girls. He’s married.”

While the music can barely be heard over the screams, this one show has an enormous effect on galvanizing future rock stars into attempting their own version of Beatlemania. Indeed, one other future music star from Britain appears on the show this night — the Monkees’ Davy Jones, performing as part of the cast of Broadway’s Oliver!


Today In Pop Music History: February 9, 1964

The Beatles on CBS Ed Sullivan Show. Sunday, February 9, 1964
The Beatles on CBS’ Ed Sullivan Show. Sunday, February 9, 1964 (click on image for larger view)


From the Motor City Radio Flashbacks archives — for more on the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show in February, 1964, see our February 9, 2013 feature (with video) ‘Dateline N.Y. February 1964: Beatles Invasion On; 70,000,000 Tune In On CBS’

ALSO: From the MCRFB news archives — a 1964 article from Billboard magazine, ‘MEET THE BEATLES’ January 18, 1964. Published three weeks prior the Beatles’ North American visit in February, 1964. (With complete ‘Meet The Beatles’ Capitol LP audio in stereo)!

WANT MORE BEATLES? See our menu, under ‘Categories.’ (And to fully appreciate the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show spread under ‘The Beatles’ header photo above — click on image for expanded view).

AND: In commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ 1964 first U.S. visit on, see ‘THE BEATLES U. S. INVASION’ A Cultural Milestone 50 Years Later: The Fab Four’s Appearance On The “Ed Sullivan Show”


Youtube: From the British MOVIETONE News film archives, 1964 ‘BEATLES HIT NEW YORK (attached video below).

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