J U L Y 2 0 , 1 9 9 3 : T O D A Y I N M U S I C H I S T O R Y
CHOKER CAMPBELL | March 21, 1916 – July 20, 1993
1993: An artist who recorded for Gordy’s Motown Records in Detroit, tenor saxophonist Walter Luzar “Choker” Campbell led the first of Motown Records’ road bands that accompanied the fledgling label’s acts on tour during the early Motown years through 1965. When his position was taken by Earl Van Dyke, Campbell instead led the resident orchestra at Detroit’s Graystone Ballroom. Choker Campbell died in Detroit, 21-years ago this day, July 20, 1993. Campbell was 77.
Today In Pop Music History: July 20, 1993
“COME SEE ABOUT ME” * Choker Campbell Orchestra * MOTOWN Records (’64)