CHOKER CAMPBELL TIMELINE: Where he's been with his saxophone and his band. A Detroit band legend in his own time. (Click on image 2x for larger PC view).
A CHOKER CAMPBELL MONTAGE: Where he’s been. His saxophone. His bands. Truly a Detroit legend in his time. (Click on image 2x for larger PC view).

J U L Y    2 0 ,  1 9 9 3 :   T O D A Y  I N   M U S I C   H I S T O R Y

CHOKER CAMPBELL | March 21, 1916 – July 20, 1993


Choker Campbell's 'Come See About Me' on Motown1993: An artist who recorded for Gordy’s Motown Records in Detroit, tenor saxophonist Walter Luzar “Choker” Campbell led the first of Motown Records’ road bands that accompanied the fledgling label’s acts on tour during the early Motown years through 1965. When his position was taken by Earl Van Dyke, Campbell instead led the resident orchestra at Detroit’s Graystone Ballroom. Choker Campbell died in Detroit, 21-years ago this day, July 20, 1993. Campbell was 77.


Today In Pop Music History: July 20, 1993

“COME SEE ABOUT ME” * Choker Campbell Orchestra * MOTOWN Records (’64)



Motor City Radio Flashbacks logoFrom the MCRFB news archive: 1954


Detroit Ops Approve 10c, 4-for-25c Play





Jukebox 1954 AMI-F120 (Click on image for larger view)
Jukebox 1954 AMI-F120 (Click on image for larger view)

DETROIT (November 13) — The switch to juke box dime play in this area, is scheduled for January 1, will probably offer music fans four tunes for a quarter, rather than the customary three.

This was indicated by early returns on the post card survey undertaken by the United Music Operators of Michigan. Results of the questionnaire will be used as a guide by the association in making the conversion.

Surprising were the numbers of returns received by non-members, according to Roy Small, conciliator of UMO. Small said that non-members indicated without a doubt their willingness to go along with the change, even offering contributions to the joint promotional fund to acquainted the public with the facts necessitating the move.

Of all the returns, only two indicated opposition to the program, he said.

Previous feelings by some operators against the change was removed when UMO announced plans for a large-scale public relations program, now in the preliminary planning stage.

Actual mechanical conversion of equipment to dime play is scheduled to start November 29, two days after the educational exhibit to be held jointly by juke box distributors at the Fort Wayne Hotel. END

(Information and news source: Billboard; November 20, 1954).

Juke Box (Post War Models; click on image 2x for largest view).)
’50s JUKE BOX Memories (Post War Models; click on image 2x for largest view).
