MarqueeTest-2From the MCRFB NEWS archive: 1960



Detroit’s Tom Clay Suggests Single Broadcast Day Themed With Music’s Past; Day’s Events




DETROIT — Tom Clay, WQTE, Detroit, suggest that stations utilize a program idea he calls “Flashback.”

He writes: “You turn back the pages of time . . . say October 27, 1944. For one whole day you broadcast as you would have on that day. Your copy department writes hypothetical commercials or — better yet — you local sponsors turn back their prices to that day.

WQTE-AM 560, Tom Clay, 1960
TOM CLAY photographed during a live remote show, WQTE-AM 560, 1960.

For info as to and events of the date check your local library (one week prior date chosen). Find out what movies were playing, info on sugar, rationing stamps, car pools, etc. Your news and sports of that particular date should be pre-recorded.

If you want some fantastic news inserts get the album ‘Hear It Now,’ with talks by the late F.D.R., etc. Your jocks should read requests from the boys overseas . . . play the music that was popular then. You’ll get a kick out of playing a record by Frank Sinatra and quipping: ‘Just a fad with the kids. He’ll never last.’

On my show, during ‘Flashback,’ I read off lists of names of boys who were killed in action. Then I said: ‘I wonder how soon we will forget — 5, 10 or 15 years from now? Our switchboard lit up like a Christmas tree.” END


(Information and news source: Billboard; October 31, 1960)

ADDENDUM: A previous MCRFB June 2, 2012 post on Tom Clay, ‘CLAY LEAVES WQTE-AM POST September 26, 1960 has been updated. To view update (see post Addendum), go here.



MarqueeTest-2From the MCRFB news archive: 1966


Record Industry Crown McCarthy Detroit Top Air Personality





DETROIT — J. P. McCarthy of WJR is the king of the air personalities in Detroit, according to the record industry. McCarthy received 52 per cent of the votes of record dealers, distributors, one-stop operators, and local and national record company executives as being the major influence on album sales. They also attributed McCarthy with having vast influence in creating sales of Easy Listening singles.

WJR's morning man J. P. circa 1966
WJR’s morning man J. P. McCarthy circa 1966

James H. Quello, program director of the Easy Listening format station, said that McCarthy “seems to be able to pick them. He practically made Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass in Detroit.” A lot of the credit too, should go to music director Harold Lake, Quello said.

“We try to play the bright new beats that aren’t rock,” Quello said.  . . .try to be cheerful and entertain and be sensible. McCarthy practically dominates all morning ratings because of his warm personality and the fact he keeps his show interesting. For instance, he has little gimmicks called winners and losers — sort of comments about topical matters. He also plays novelty records.”

WJR also scored as the major influence on classical record sales with 55 per cent of the votes. The programming of WJR has given the station tremendous billings. “Business in sales within the last year in a half has been absolutely fantastic,” Quello said. “We’ve definitely proved that there’s room in a market for all kinds of music — country music, our music, or rock ‘n’ roll.”

(Information and news source: Billboard; July 2, 1966).



Motor City Radio Flashbacks (NEW) UPDATES!

M O T O R  C I T Y  R A D I O  F L A S H B A C K S  A I R C H E C K   L I B R A R Y

N E W !   J U S T   A D D E D ! 

THE AIRCHECK LIBRARY exhibit has been expanded and updated. Twenty NEW Detroit radio airchecks were deposited in the MCRFB aircheck library. As you browse the page they can be found there, exactly as listed below (or you can play audio) here:

1). CKLW-AM – Chuck Williams – September 9, 1970 2). CKLW-AM – Duke Roberts – March 20, 1970  3). CKLW-AM – Jim Jackson – 1974 4). CKLW-AM – Scott Regen – 1969 5). CKLW-AM – Scott Regen – October 31, 1969 6). CKLW-AM – Super Max Kinkel – July 4, 1974 7). CKLW-AM – Tom Shannon – August 31, 1977 8). CKLW-AM – Tom Clay Show Message and Sign-Off Theme – 1964 9). CKLW – Eddie Rogers – Scoped – Top 100 Of 1972 10). WCAR-AM – Dave Prince – 1971 11). WCAR-AM – Paul Christy – January 5, 1972 12). WDRQ-FM – Jerry St. James – August 31, 1977 13). WDRQ-FM – Larry Webb Newscast – 1981 14). WJBK-AM – Bob Edgington – 1964 15). WMJC-FM – Tom Shannon – March 2, 1987 16). WNIC-FM – Tom Lamb – May 21, 1978 17). WOMC-FM – Tom Dean – 1980 18). WXYZ-AM – Dan Henderson – July 19, 1976 19). WXYZ-AM – Tom Dean – April, 1978 20). WXYZ-AM – Tom Ryan – May 21, 1978

Note: Aircheck No. 9 (CKLW) courtesy the Eddie Rogers Collection. More to come from Eddie Rogers. THANK YOU!

M O T O R  C I T Y  R A D I O  F L A S H B A C K S  A I R C H E C K  L I B R A R Y
